Italy 24 Press News

Free nursery schools in Liguria: 3,500 online applications in total, over 1,500 already paid for by the Region

Genoa. They were 2,499 requests for the regional tender free nurseries relating to the four-month period September-December 2023 and part of the period January-April 2024. The measure, launched by the Liguria Region with an allocation of 18 million, had wide support: approx 3,500 questions in total received on the online platform of the Filse financial company.

Specifically for this first tranche, 1,911 requests were processed 1,545 have already been paid. There are also 366 applications that meet the requirements – but with documentation that is still incomplete – and which will be accepted in the preliminary phase as soon as they are integrated by the families. To date, Filse reports, the processing of grant requests is approximately 80%. to guarantee free educational services for early childhood: nurseries, centers for boys and girls, home educational services and spring sections.

“We are enthusiastic about the developments of the tender – declares the regional councilor for social policies Giacomo Giampedrone – because this initiative represents the result of a long commitment aimed at offering concrete opportunities to families and especially to mothers. This financial aid will allow families to choose nursery school with more serenity and freedom, including private ones, improving daily organization and simplifying the lives of parents, especially those who work full-time. Furthermore, the measure will also have a positive impact on the job market.”

“We are proceeding rapidly with the implementation of a historic measure which will see an overall allocation of 18 million euros – declares the regional councilor for training Marco Scajola -. Gradually we will allow all interested Ligurian families to have free nursery school for their children. An important support which on the one hand lightens economic expenses and on the other encourages work activity, especially for mothers. Through the European Social Fund we are investing record resources with tangible results for thousands of citizens, from children to the elderly through young people and the aforementioned families. We are proposing activities related to training, work, sport and social issues all united by the desire to support the Ligurians in their present and future daily lives”.

Specifically for the measure, the contribution recognized to families, for a maximum of eleven monthly payments, it can reach up to 500 euros per month (in relation to the tuition costs incurred) in the case of an ISEE up to 30 thousand euros and up to 300 euros per month in the case of an ISEE greater than 30 thousand euros and not exceeding 35 thousand euros. The call for tenders, which opened in mid-February and closed at midnight on April 2nd, was sold out. To the initial endowment of 8 million, another 10 million were therefore added by the Region precisely to satisfy all the requests of Ligurian families.

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