Italy 24 Press News

Falcone’s day, 32 years ago the Capaci massacre – BlogSicilia

It is the day dedicated to the memory of the Capaci massacre, the first of the season of massacres even if the bloody period had already been anticipated by the Lima murder.

Today marks the 32nd anniversary of the massacre that changed Italy. The car bomb placed under the motorway killed judge Giovanni Falcone, his wife, also a magistrate, Francesca Morvillo, the escort agents Rocco Di Cillo, Antonio Montinaro and Vito Schifani.

The official demonstrations

The events promoted by the Falcone foundation have changed over time. After the great celebrations of the thirtieth anniversary and after the transfer of Falcone’s body to the pantheon of Palermo, the ships of legality have disappeared over time and, from this year, even the demonstration in the bunker hall is no longer held

The fulcrum of the entire Museum of the Present set up in Palazzo Jung entrusted to the Falcone Foundation by the municipality of Palermo. this is a preview given that the museum will be active from June.

Around three thousand young people are expected in Piazza Magione, then, from there, everything moves to Palazzo Jung from where the Rai live broadcast is also scheduled with connections with capable people for the laying of the wreath of flowers, contributions from the world of school, a look open on today’s massacres which are not necessarily mafia like the dramatic one in Casteldaccia, the interventions of the commander of the ROS and the prosecutor of Palermo on the mafia after the capture and death of the last boss of the massacre era, Matteo Messina Denaro, of general director of the Central Operational Service of the State Police and further examples of cooperatives that are created on assets stolen from the mafia, the President of the National Anti-Mafia Commission, the Ministers of Culture Sangiuliano and of the Interior Piantedosi, the Consul General of the United States. Maria Falcone will open and close.

The afternoon

In the afternoon everything moves to the falcon tree for the traditional minute of silence at the time of the massacre. As they know last year, however, there will also be a counter procession. In 2023 the antagonists came into contact with the police. The intention was to avoid contact with the official procession which then happened anyway. The counter procession will start at 3pm from the Faculty of Law and arrive in via Notarbartolo with a minute’s silence. There will be associations, student committees, social realities and the CGIL. the declared aim is to vindicate the need to insert the fight against the mafia and the search for the truth about the massacres in a broader context of social struggles and claims for rights, an anti-mafia that starts from the bottom. Last year ended up “dirtying” the moment of remembrance, this year there is great attention and the hope that the demonstrations will coexist in peace. In reality, the controversy has already begun this year due to the decision to have the competition for principals coincide with the same day of remembrance, today. The Minister announced that there is no change. And they will certainly continue on other topics.

Alongside the official demonstrations and counter-demonstrations, dozens of other collateral events take place

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