Italy 24 Press News

Councilor Honsell suspended meeting at school on immigration: censorship by the Region

Trieste – “The statement of councilors Rosolen and Roberti, contained in the deplorable statement issued by the Region, regarding the meeting in the Italo-Svevo IC on immigration, which was then canceled (it should have taken place on May 21st, ed.), is a very serious act of censorship and political interference in school autonomy. The School must be free in dealing with problems, two political figures cannot claim the right to establish who can deal with certain topics and who cannot”.

This is how he expressed himself Furio HonsellRegional Councilor of Open Sinistra FVG.

“I consider this act very worrying also in light of the attempt by many political forces, both of the majority and unfortunately of the opposition, to want to regionalize the Regional School Office with the odious intent of keeping the school system directly under political control” .

“These two councilors have committed a very serious institutional affront. We will immediately ask a question to the Regional Council.”

This is the Region’s press release, published last May 15:

The denunciation of the extreme gravity represented by the fact that, within a public space such as a school, young students, on an extremely complex topic such as irregular immigration, are offered a unique vision of reality, argued by those who receive money public to manage the emergency and by those who may have arrived illegally in Italy. Hence some questions that require an answer, including: was the event included in the training offer? Have the collegial bodies and the families of the students been consulted? And finally, has the opportunity of organizing such a politically oriented meeting in the midst of the election campaign been evaluated?

This is the concept expressed today by the regional councilors for Education and Security regarding the meeting on the topic of migration and reception organized by the Italo Svevo Comprehensive Institute of Trieste and scheduled for Tuesday 21 May.

A representative of the school was invited to speak with the students (second and third classes).Ics (Italian Solidarity Consortium) and a migrant.

As the representatives of the Regional Council explained, a public school on a topic such as immigration should offer a representation of the reality reported primarily by the institutions that have competence in the matter: the Prefecture on reception, the Police on irregular flows and on the release of permits, the Municipality on the management of unaccompanied minors, the Region on sector regulations.

In light of these considerations, the councilors have announced that they intend to ask the head of the regional school office for further information.

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