Italy 24 Press News

Centenary of Matteotti’s death, a public debate in Salice

“The relevance of Giacomo Matteotti’s political thought”. This is the theme of the public debate which will be held on Thursday 23 May, at 7pm, in the cloister of the “Madonna della Visitazione” convent in Salice Salentino. The meeting, which at 6pm will be preceded by the laying of flowers on the new sign in via Giacomo Matteotti, was promoted by the Municipality and Province of Lecce on the occasion of the centenary of the death of the great Italian politician, staunch anti-fascist and member of parliament several times.

Speakers in the debate will be Stefano Minerva, president of the Province, Mimino Leuzzi, mayor of Salice, Biagio Marzo, deputy from the 9th to the 11th legislature, Mario Gianfrate, historian, Francesco Somaini, university professor, Francesca Sirsi, head of Udu UniSalento. Moderated by Marco Ligori, municipal councilor responsible for social policies and equal opportunities.

“Matteotti’s politics – says Mayor Leuzzi – are more relevant today than ever, not only for his ability to be a free man but also for that modern thought of which he was the spokesperson at the time and for that idea of ​​politics as a service and noble art , always on the side of the truth, of the people, of the last.”

“Giacomo Matteotti – underlines councilor Ligori – is a modern man for the era in which he lived. His politics is current as he was a concrete leftist who managed, for example, to change the fate of the last, of the farmers of his land who lived in absolute poverty. And this represents a lesson for a certain political area and on how he should be in the field, since this is precisely his founding reason: to fight against inequalities. At the same time, Matteotti transmits a lesson to all of us: he was the staunchest opponent of fascism, the most determined defender of Parliament, of democracy and of the rule of law and in a time, the current one, in which the presence of democracies is at risk authoritarian and plebiscitarian, in which a single figure is wanted in command, its history challenges us directly. His lesson is that in politics you need to have a vision. He had understood, before the others, the danger of fascism understood as a system and he did not hold back: he was not afraid to challenge it. On Thursday – concludes Ligori – we will talk about the political stature of this man in the presence of important historians and scholars without forgetting how his example, his deeds are reflected in today’s world”. (red.)

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New sign in via Giacomo Matteotti

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