Italy 24 Press News

what role for public assistance volunteers”

The second event aimed at inform and train public assistance volunteers and be able to acquire specific skills and with adequate effective communication, be able to understand the signals from women who are victims of every form of violence.

“Gender-based violence: what role for public assistance volunteers?” wanted and organized by Sodalis, Volunteer Service Center of the Province of Salerno and the PA Millenium Costa d’Amalfi, sponsored by the host municipality, saw valid interventions moderated by the professor on Saturday Tina Lambiase who collaborated with the speakers already present in conferences held in the Caivano and Pagani Institutes entitled “From arrogance to crime“. Dr Angela Visone, sociologist, has well outlined which aspects are most attributable to a “violent” environment and the main causes and contributory causes that determine the relationship between the mistreated person and the mistreater. Furthermore, taking inspiration from the history of the book “Till the Last Breath” she is the author of, the doctor examined the signs to pay attention to and the “reasons” that can lead to violence: from cultural aspects and customs linked to ethnic groups and religions , to the failure to recognize oneself as a “violent” person, to the point of blaming others because they were provoked or instigated, and finally to the point of using drugs or alcohol. After analyzing these factors, you moved on to the causes that can generate greater episodes of violence, such as frustrations in the workplace, the loss of the same and consequent economic crises. Naturally, regardless of the possible causes, violence should never be silenced and it is important to give a voice especially to those who do not have one or believe that if they had one, they would then go unheard.

Dr Nadia Elisabetta Peschechera he then continued his speech, referring to the story told in his book “ELSA Story of an abused childhood”. Speaking of witnessed violence, aimed at children and adolescents who witness or can directly or indirectly experience any act of physical, psychological, verbal or sexual violence, committed against a reference figure who is often the mother, the pedagogist highlighted how in In these situations, children experience unfavorable experiences, which negatively influence their personal and relational growth path, with short and long-term consequences for damage at various levels, sometimes irreparable, which affects the quality of future life even as adults. You expressed the signs that a minor victim of witnessed violence can show and that the school can and must intercept early to implement a synergistic intervention, to guarantee the protection of the minor and promote recovery paths for healthy growth. You underlined, therefore, the importance of reporting violence and mistreatment by the mother, to also guarantee children an adequate parental role of care, attention and education.

The lawyer Luigi Esposito, with his brilliant speech, dealt with the legal aspects that are linked to crimes against the person, interesting those present with simple but effective speech and illustrating the articles of the relevant penal code. Using a series of examples of sentences that have been issued, lawyer Esposito spoke about stalking, sexual violence and abuse, mistreatment in the family and consequences for the plaintiff and the accused. Furthermore, he analyzed the possible solutions that are applied by the courts within the family unit with the presence or absence of minors.

The conclusion was left to the doctor Rosa Palmieri psychologist psychotherapist at the ASL Napoli 2 nord, in particular for years engaged in multi-problem areas where an integrated intervention model appears to be the only possible one for the contrast of such a complex and systemic phenomenon as that of violence with all its forms and characteristics. The therapeutic connection in the relationship between the operator and the person who is a victim of crime is the first real step in providing effective guidance and support to the person who is a victim of crime. Operators, such as volunteers from associations, are the real resources of the territory and therefore must be able to actively listen to others in difficulty, through a certain emotional attunement and empathic ability.

The next meeting will be held as scheduled, Friday 19 April with Dr. Anna Di Martino.




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