Italy 24 Press News

Sicily, fire in Castellammare del Golfo: “incalculable damage”


L’fire on Monte Inici, in Castellammare del Golfoin the province of Trapani “and finally circumscribed. The mayor, Giuseppe Fausto, gave the news. “The fire front after the Belvedere area affected the Costa Larga-Romita area – explains the mayor -. The teams of the forestry firefighting service, Fire Brigade and Civil Protection have been working continuously throughout the night in an attempt to contain the very serious fire which has once again seriously damaged our territory”.

The front of the flames started in the late afternoon of yesterday, Saturday 9 March, from the Madonna di Fatima area and then touched the Belvedere area, moving to the Craparello area, from where it split reaching Pizzo Teleffio, in the upper part of the mountain, and the other front in the Costa Larga-Romita area. The fire grew increasingly larger due to the strong wind and the impossibility of reaching the locations in the evening hours. Therefore, throughout the night, Monte Inici, the mountain that overlooks the city, was tragically illuminated by high flames that broke out on multiple fronts. At dawn, the fire was contained and the Municipality of Castellammare suspected that the flames were “of a malicious nature“.

Over 350 hectares in smoke

It is too early to take stock of the damage but according to a first rough estimate, it would be over 350 hectares of forest and Mediterranean scrub reduced to ashes. According to the Municipality, the share of trees burned in the path of the fire amounts to 30%. Mayor Fausto remained on site until this morning but at the moment “the state of alert has returned” and the operators remain to monitor the areas that are about to be reclaimed.

Thanks to the teams who worked continuously to put out the fire – says the mayor of Castellammare del Golfo -. A fiery inferno, incurable wounds and incalculable environmental and economic damage to an area tormented by a very serious plague that damages the entire community. Thanks to those who have secured and are securing the areas even at the risk of their own safety.”

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