Satnam’s Death, His Employer Arrested: He Abandoned Him After Accident – News

Satnam’s Death, His Employer Arrested: He Abandoned Him After Accident – News
Satnam’s Death, His Employer Arrested: He Abandoned Him After Accident – News

Antonello Lovato arrested by the Carabinieri of Latina on charges of “wilful homicide of Singh Satnam”. The Latina Public Prosecutor’s Office announced this. “Based on the findings of the forensic medical report, the Prosecutor’s Office changed the crime hypothesis initially configured (culpable homicide) and contested the crime of wilful homicide with eventual intent. – explains a note -. The forensic medical report ascertained that if the Indian, who died from copious blood loss, had been promptly rescued, he would most likely have survived”.

In the note, the Latina Prosecutor’s Office adds that “the worker’s conditions after the accident were so serious that it was clear that prompt assistance was needed.” For the investigators, “the decision to fail to provide the necessary assistance constituted acceptance of the risk of a lethal event and constituted the cause that directly determined the death.” The investigation, explains the Prosecutor’s Office, continues “with reference to the crime in question and other related crimes, with specific regard to the verification of working conditions.”

“Regardless of ethical considerations (irrelevant for criminal law) which would also be required in the face of a inhuman conduct and detrimental to the most basic values ​​of solidarityit cannot be ignored that the suspect intentionally and voluntarily ignored the probable consequences of his actions”. This is what the investigating judge of Latina, Giuseppe Molfese, wrote in the precautionary order against Lovato.

What Lovato accomplished “considered as a whole, leads one to assume that he wanted to hide what happened to avoid the conditions of irregularity and exploitation coming to light in which the worker found himself, as well as the very serious situation of irregularity of the company in terms of safety and health at work”, write the prosecutors of Latina.

Indian community: ‘Unacceptable not to help him’

“We were waiting for this news, we were angry”. With these words Gurmukh Singh, president of the Indian community of Lazio, comments on the news of the arrest of Antonello Lovato, the owner of the farm in Borgo Santa Maria who abandoned the Indian laborer Satnam Singh in front of his house after losing an arm in an accident at work. “The worst thing he did was to leave him in front of his house instead of taking him to the hospital. An accident can happen, but not calling for help is unacceptable”, the words of Gurmukh Singh.

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