Why it is important to pray several times during the day

Why it is important to pray several times during the day
Why it is important to pray several times during the day

Prayer is fundamental to the life of a Christian and, to put it in the words of Pope Francis, it is the oxygen of our life.

But there is one thing we need to think about: how much do we actually pray? How much time do we each dedicate to prayer? Only in the essential moments of life or only when we need it?

Praying is good for the heart and soul but we should always do it even when it seems like we don’t need it.

The most beautiful and important moment in the life of a Christian is his conversation with God.. And how to do it? It is done through prayer, which is the main point: to pray not only when we need it, but always and not only to ask, but also to thank, to praise God. On the other hand, however, the question mark that we ask ourselves: how do we pray? How do you turn to God?

Why pray several times during the day?

It seems like an absurd question, yet each of us asks it almost always.May prayer therefore be for every Christian the compass that guides, the light that illuminates the path and the strength that supports you in the pilgrimage that will lead you to cross the Porta Santa” – is also one of the ideas for the next Jubilee 2025 which is about to open.

But on the other hand, how much do we actually pray? Actually, our life, in its rush and frenetic nature, does not allow us to find space for prayerso much so that it is limited to the morning, or the evening or, as we said at the beginning, only when we need it because we have to face a problem. And another problem is: do we pray well or do we do it mechanically?

There are some tips we can put into practice to “improve” our way of prayingsuch as understanding that prayer can change our day at any moment, or looking at prayer as “the reason why we were created by God.” But also that with prayer the light always shines back into our lives.

Always through praying and prayer we are able to understand that there is no one else in the world, if not God, who wants us happier than any other person. Last but not least, our need to continually seek God, in every moment of our lives. To quote Pope Francis, “prayer is the oxygen of our life”.

Pray at all times

And you…how much and when do you pray? Only in the so-called canonical moments or is it your habit to carve out more daily spaces to reserve for prayer? May this question be an occasion for reflection for each one of us on our relationship with the Lord: United with Jesus always, in every occasion of our life.

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