Giacomo Matteotti, monument vandalized in Riano – SulPanaro

(Adnkronos) – The monument to Giacomo Matteotti in Riano, on the Via Flaminia, near Rome, was vandalized. The local Democratic Party reported it on Facebook. “This morning we woke up to sad news: the monument to Giacomo Matteotti on the Flaminia has been vandalised, and with it also the wreath of flowers of the President of the Republic. In addition to being an outrage to the memory of the Honorable Matteotti, brutally murdered by fascists, it is also an outrage to our Republic and to freedom of expression and thought, which current events remind us are in danger.” The post then reports the words of the mayor of Riano, Luca Abbruzzetti: “A serious and shameful outrage to the memory of a martyr of anti-fascism which affects the entire community of Riano which has always been linked to the memory of Matteotti and the battles he carried out then and still relevant today. Like 100 years ago, Giacomo Matteotti still scares some cowards”. “This is the air we breathe in our country”, observes Francesco Boccia, president of the senators of the Democratic Party. “Yesterday the news came of the umpteenth desecration of Enrico Berlinguer’s tomb in Rome. This night the monument on the site where Giacomo Matteotti’s body was found was vandalized in Riano. In the meantime in Manfredonia, during the inauguration of the committee election of the centre-right mayoral candidate Ugo Galli, Giuseppe Marasco, local FdI preference champion, utters a chilling phrase, as if it were a joke, which recalls the crematorium ovens”, says Boccia. “Acts of vandalism are evidently political acts, which affect the history and common memory of our country. A memory which, evidently, is not shared in right-wing circles. Always on the right people joke about ovens. And all this happens in the silence of the leaders of the majority parties and the government. There is a heavy climate in our country, which worries us. We hope that clear words of condemnation will arrive soon from the center-right: the shared memory must be safeguarded and not desecrated and on the tragedies of history. don’t joke”, concludes the president of the Democratic Party senators. Dem MP Roberto Morassut presented a question to Minister Piantedosi on the Riano case. “We can no longer accept these continuous attacks on the symbols of anti-fascism. We ask President Meloni for an immediate and sudden condemnation without ifs or buts”, declares Morassut. “Yesterday another defacement of Berlinguer’s tomb, today the monument in honor is vandalized of Matteotti in Riano. It is clear – he underlines – that these are not sporadic acts of vandalism, but are continuous attacks on democracy and freedom. Minister Piantedosi should answer our question on the Riano case and more generally on what concrete initiatives he is taking in the field to counter these continuous acts of fascist vandalism”. —[email protected] (Web Info)

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