Suicide or murder? The death of Angelo Onorato is still a mystery

Suicide or murder? The death of Angelo Onorato is still a mystery
Suicide or murder? The death of Angelo Onorato is still a mystery

May 25, 2024, 9:07 pm

3 min read

PALERMOSuicide or murder? The death of the entrepreneur is still a mystery, Honored Angel, 55 years old, husband of MEP Francesca Donato.

The pieces still need to be put in place. At work there are the police and the flying squad, directed by Marco Basile, and those of the forensic team.

We start with the macabre discovery, made by his wife and daughter around 2.30pm. Onorato is sitting on the driver’s side of his SUV, a Range Rover. He has a plastic tie, the kind used to gather electrical wires, tightened around his neck. He died of suffocation.

Onorato was a well-known entrepreneurowner of important activities in the furniture and construction sector.

Onorato’s cell phone has been on for a few hours rings empty. His wife and daughter have been trying in vain to contact him since eleven o’clock. He had gone out to go to an appointment in Capaci, a small town in the province of Palermo. He never got there.

Mother and daughter worry. They are the ones who located Onorato’s vehicle via GPS. The SUV is parked in via Ugo La Malfa, the slip road that runs along the motorway towards Trapani. A very busy thoroughfare full of shops and department stores.

“Angelo is dead, they killed me”, the MEP confided to some friends who asked her what had happened to her husband.

Onorato has his seat belt fastened. There are blood stains on the shirt. The rear door is ajar. A detail that could lead to the hypothesis that there was someone with him. The car is in order, however, there are no signs of a struggle.

If someone wanted to strangle him he would probably have used a rope and not a self-locking cable tie.

You need some precision to use it. A circumstance that would be incompatible with an attack and an inevitable reaction from the victim.

Investigators are taking over the possible presence of fingerprints in the car. The investigations are coordinated by the prosecutor Maurizio De Lucia and the deputy Ennio Petrini who ordered the autopsy on the entrepreneur’s body.

A first testimony has already been collected of his wife Francesca Donato and daughter Carolina who were summoned to the Mobile offices in the evening for further clarifications. Mobile investigators also interviewed a lawyer.

Those who investigate do not go unbalanced either over the suicide hypothesis, at the moment the privileged one, nor for the murder. The victim’s closest friends, who rushed to the scene of the tragedy and said they had seen him peaceful until the day before, do not want to think about the extreme act of taking his own life.

“I don’t believe that Mr. Onorato took his own life”, says Giacomo Grilletto, his factotum: “We met this morning at his house, around 11, we talked about things to do. Nothing strange.”

Not even the regional councilor for the Family Nuccia Albano believes in suicide, friend of the entrepreneur and party colleague of his wife: “I was a medical examiner for forty years. This doesn’t really seem like suicide to me.”

We still investigate and delve into the entrepreneur’s life to understand if he had debts that might have led him to wrap a plastic tie around his neck and tighten it until he suffocated.

Just today the entrepreneur was supposed to accompany his wife for the electoral campaign at some meetings far from Palermo, in Tusa and Capo d’Orlando, in view of the European elections in June.

Francesca Donato, first at the League, he is now part of the new Christian Democracy of former governor Totò Cuffaro who expressed his and the party’s condolences.

Published on

May 25, 2024, 9:07 pm

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