The awards ceremony of the seventh edition of the Ranieri Filo della Torre Award

The awards ceremony of the seventh edition of the Ranieri Filo della Torre Award
The awards ceremony of the seventh edition of the Ranieri Filo della Torre Award

“We are proud to host at Palazzo della Valle this important award dedicated to Ranieri Filo della Torre, a man from Confagricoltura, who is committed to the promotion of Italian extra virgin olive oil. The olive growers of Pandolea have been able to take his legacy into their own hands, also at an international level, bringing together the olive producers of the Mediterranean. Today’s event, telling us about agriculture, culture and resilience, highlighted an important combination that gives added value to our sector”. This was stated by Annamaria Barrile, general director of Confagricoltura, as she opened the proceedings of the seventh edition of the Ranieri Filo della Torre International Literary-Scientific Prize.

In the Serpieri room of Confagricoltura, Loriana Abbruzzetti, president of Pandolea, recalled why the initiative was born. “The objective we have set ourselves is to enhance the strong link between agriculture and culture. The Award, in fact, is divided into different categories, from scientific, which rewards the best degree theses, to narrative which rewards short stories, poems and haiku, which underline, each in its own field, the excellence, history, territories and innovations in olive production”.

Viviana Broglio, president of the Roman women entrepreneurs, spoke for Confagricoltura Donna. “Enhancing the culture of oil is part of our agricultural identity – said lei-lei. Taking part in this initiative in memory of Ranieri Filo della Torre, as well as remembering the skills of a man and a professional of our world who knew how to listen, sharing experiences, always with a strong focus on enhancing the world of olive growing and, with this , agriculture”.

The meeting, moderated by the journalist Andrea Martina Di Lena, was organized in collaboration with Confagricoltura, La Ruota Edizioni publishing house curator of the anthology, the National Academy of Olive and Oil and the giULIVI readers. Speakers at the event included: Pina Terenzi, president of Women in the CIA field, Elia Pellegrino, president of Aifo Associazione Italiana Frantoiani Oleari, and Marida Iacona della Motta, wife of Ranieri Filo della Torre.

For the scientific section, in collaboration with the National Academy of Olive and Oil, three degree theses were awarded, selected by a committee of academics: first place was Giuliana Prevete (PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome), second Andrea Fornetti (Degree Course in Agri-food Sciences and Technologies of the University of Perugia), in third place Luigi Pacchiani (Interdepartmental Degree Course in Herbal Products and Health Sciences of the University of Pisa).

There were over 50 authors of poetry, fiction and haiku who participated in this seventh edition. In the Poetry section, the following were awarded: first Nerina Poggese and, followed by: Tiziana Monari and Sebastiano Mario Fiori. For fiction, first place was Francesca Pecorella, second was Nerina Poggese and third was Sergio Malvasi. The haiku authors classified are, in order: Emanuela Capodarco, Antonio Sacco and Antonietta Tiberia.

The winning works of the literary section were interpreted by the ‘Readers giUlivi’ actors: Chiara Cappelli, Donatella Cioccolini, Renato del Baglivo, Linda Botha, Barbara Lorentz, Susanna Mai.

Some of the best works have been included in an anthology, “UN FILO D’OLIO”, published by La Ruota Editrice.

For the first time, the ability to communicate extra virgin olive oil was also rewarded. Nerina Di Nunzio, food and wine expert, received a work by Patrizia Balzamo; Sabrina Pupillo, food technologist and popularizer in the olive sector, a painting by the painter Laura Covino; Luciana Squadrilli, food and wine journalist, a watercolor by Luisa Grifoni; Marzia Roncacci, TG2 journalist and Tg2 Italia presenter, a photographic work by Carlo D’Orta.

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