Drunk driving causes accident, risks heavy fine and arrest – BlogSicilia

Drunk driving causes accident, risks heavy fine and arrest – BlogSicilia
Drunk driving causes accident, risks heavy fine and arrest – BlogSicilia

A 40-year-old woman was reported by the traffic police of Giardini Naxos in the province of Messina for having caused a road accident near the Taormina junction. The tests have, in fact, highlighted a rate of 2.55 grams per litre. The limit is 0.5 g/1, i.e. more than five times the permitted limit. The woman, who risks a fine ranging from 1,500 to 6,000 euros and imprisonment for six months to a year, had her driving license withdrawn to be revoked and the vehicle was subjected to administrative detention.

The accident last night

The accident occurred late yesterday evening when the vehicle, driven by the woman, violently collided with the wall of the tunnel adjacent to the Taormina junction. The driver did not suffer any injuries.

“Alcohol – declares the director of the Messina traffic police Antonio Capodicasa – always negatively affects psychomotor performance and driving judgement: skills, in fact, are compromised even at very low levels of consumption. For this reason, in all the accidents they detect, the Traffic Police always carries out a breathalyzer test on the drivers involved, as required by current legislation and also as a further measure aimed at combating drunk driving which constitutes one of the main causes of road accidents, especially in the evening and night time slots”.

Drunk and without a license causes an accident, reported

A similar episode occurred a few months ago in the Syracuse area. The Carabinieri of the Augusta Company reported a 25-year-old Moroccan for driving while intoxicated. The military intervened following a road accident without injuries caused by the driver of a van who, in addition to not having a driving license as he had never obtained one, had a blood alcohol level three times higher than the permitted limit.

The man was reported to the Aretusea judicial authority for driving while intoxicated and a fine of over 5 thousand euros was issued against him.

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