The Brescia rapper Heartman against machismo: «Be a man»


A year ago he achieved success on social media, thanks to «Esperienze Nuove», a song that went viral on TikTok, and the support of various artists on the Italian music scene. Now Heartman26 year old born in Ivory Coast, resident in Italy for 21 years, in Roè Volciano in Valsabbia, returns with new single, «Fai l’uomo»in collaboration with Mondo Marcio and produced by Yazee. An introspective, frank and sincere text – as in his style – which challenges gender expectations and the machismo typical of a certain rap environment.

In a sort of dialogue between himself and a society increasingly devoted to appearance and image, Heartman reminds everyone how social pressures, the need to always appear virile and strutting are nothing more than a cage. An armor destined, however, to crash against the force of emotions.

«The text arises quite naturally. I’m a bit of a chimera in rapin the sense that I am much more melodic }); than normal, my lyrics deal more with love, with feelings and therefore it is already a theme that particularly touches me because I am seen by many people, especially those in the sector, as perhaps too sensitive, as one that isn’t strong enough in its lyrics. Writing a piece like this also served me as an outlet.”

And how did the collaboration with Mondo Marcio come about?

We met in the studio, we recorded something together, then I left him in the hospital, I asked him to collaborate on the song. He took it well, he was happy with this and happy with the idea. He left me the verse a week later and that’s how it all started.

What happened this last year, after all the success you achieved on social media?

In the meantime we signed with Sony, so now we are under a label and we are taking our first steps. The next step is to try to build something serious compared to the past. Before we were independent, more autonomous. Now we are more structured.

So will there be any news?

Let’s say I’m writing, I’m at work and there will be new music.

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