Italy 24 Press News

Blizzard Admits Overwatch 2 Has a Tank Problem: The Community Was Right

For some seasons now, players of Overwatch 2 report to Blizzard that the “tank“, that is, the class designed first of all to be resistant and able to withstand a lot of damage, it is not powerful enough in defense. In short, it is too easy to tear them down and this makes their role lose value.

For the community satisfactionnow Blizzard has admitted that this is indeed the case and that tanks need some adjustments.

Blizzard’s Message About Overwatch 2 Tanks

The problem Now it’s that most of them don’t qualify as ‘tanky’ as much as they should,” we read on Blizzard’s official website. “Many times, both support heroes have to focus exclusively on the tank just to keep him alive. In this scenario, both the Tank and Support may feel like they have limited options during the match, as they are essentially tied to each other.”

Reinhardt di Overwatch

“We’ve been working on it since Season 9 a new metric which we simply call “tankiness”. It’s more or less the number of deaths a hero suffers compared to the number of deaths he should suffer,” Blizzard continues. “There are many statistics that determine the number of deaths we expect to see and I can’t go into detail on this one site. The bottom line is that your opinion on this matter and our data are aligned.”

“We are preparing a patch aimed at increasing “tankiness” of many of these heroes, but we are doing this through individual changes to each of them. Ideally these changes should be based on the specific characteristics of each hero. Increasing Reinhardt’s shield health is a good example of achieving both goals,” the post confirms. “It’s a priority for our balance team, and we’re currently targeting the middle of Season 11 or Season 12. We will soon have more details on some changes to expect and more concrete timelines.”

We therefore just have to wait for news regarding these changes.

Remember that starting from Season 10, heroes have become free.

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