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Forza Motorsport has also improved a lot with Update 9 in lighting: let’s see how

L’Update 9 It didn’t just bring a lot of new content to Forza Motorsportbut also a net general improvement in graphics renderingthanks to a big change made to lighting systemas demonstrated by the video comparison below.

The global illumination system used by Turn 10 in the new Forza Motorsport, while technologically advanced, has attracted some controversy for its tendency to flatten the image a bit and create a sort of “patina” that makes the colors less vivid, in certain situations and especially when racing under the sun and with clear skies.

Although this solution may also be more realistic in some conditions, at first glance it made the game appear more “dull”, especially in those conditions of total lighting in which the colors should stand out more.

Lots of new content and improved lighting

With the arrival of Update 9, Turn 10 has evidently worked in depth on the lighting system, which now seems to give amuch brighter image.

As you can see from the direct comparison on videothe colours actually appear brighter and that “patina” that previously dominated the image has somewhat disappeared, with a diffusion of light that now appears more “cut”.

The issue can also be seen in the shadows: in the situation depicted, with the sun high and the sky clear, the shadows appear appropriately sharp and clear, even with regard to the surrounding elements such as the protective grids projected onto the runway (as visible at minute 0:40).

In addition to this, Update 9 also brought with it Endurance races, a new circuit and various cars, within one of the major updates of the game, on a monthly basis.

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