Italy 24 Press News

Bank account is hacked, who is responsible?

Hackers drain bank accounts through phishing: here’s who’s responsible according to Italian judges

Hackers attack online bank accounts: the phenomenon –

As we know, the hacker they are carrying out piracy actions that affect a wide range of the web. Among the services most attacked, there are obviously those linked to the banking sphere. A method of illegally obtaining money by setting up scams or very advanced computer hacking actions. In cases where these attacks are successful, who is responsible for this economic damage for the user and the banking sector.

Hackers attack bank accounts, the phenomenon

Not only government sites attacked, but also banking platforms where thousands of users deposit or invest their savings. Hackers have not spared this type of subversive actions lately, draining the accounts of the unfortunate users affected by a similar misfortune. However, this phenomenon triggers chain reactions, starting with the appeal to the Court to identify the factors of responsibility in the matter.

Precisely to prevent similar events from damaging banking institutions and customers themselves, the banks have tried to strengthen cybersecurity in recent years. Some sites are highly impenetrable for hackers, but this does not apply to other lesser-known brands.

Hackers Drain Your Bank Account: Who’s Responsible? –

Cyber ​​Attack on Bank Accounts, Who is Responsible

The judicial affair was clarified by the Ragusa Court with the ruling of March 7, 2024. As told by Gabriele Gozzoli, in the event of phishing and subsequent emptying of the customer’s bank account, the responsible party is the bank. Obviously there must be some conditions: namely that the banking institution, as soon as it becomes aware of the scam, must immediately block its customer’s account. If this does not happen promptly, the defrauded customer will be able to take legal action and ask for compensation.

At the moment, the streets of phishing are many. Hackers are setting up increasingly sophisticated scams, even reproducing the logos of Italian state entities to appear credible to the public. In one of our articles, we told you about the online scam linked to the Revenue Agency: with these methods, especially older or naive people inadvertently open the doors to their bank account. This is by handing over their bank details to scammers and hackers, which must be entered into scam sites better known as “ami”. A phenomenon that, at least in Italy, is increasingly gaining ground and claims as victims adults and especially retired people and those with low education related to IT and computers.

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