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The trick for taking photos, everything you need to know about Xiaomi devices: some have already tried it and are satisfied.

Photos, the trick to obtaining exceptional ones (

We know well that in recent years the technology has made great strides, the innovations have affected every aspect and among these we cannot fail to mention the big ones photographic skills of the devices. In detail, today we would like to talk to you about smartphones Xiaomiowners of these devices will have noticed, in fact, that in the last period the quality from the photos.

All this entails a unique experience for the user, but there is a big question mark that grips users and it is: are all the features immediately visible or is it sometimes necessary to follow some instructions? steps? We will give you the answer in the next paragraph.

You can get better photos, let’s find out how

Xiaomi, the fantastic trick for photos (

There are now many users who have chosen to rely on Xiaomi, company that also launched a new carbut there are countless who are not aware of some tricks. Some also concern photographs, but by following a few small steps it will be possible to modify your images and make them unique.

In this regard, we can refer to HyperOS. It is an operating system based on Android, but which also usesartificial intelligence. Users will be able to enjoy these features and will be able to use tools that will make their photographs unique.

What can you do with this feature

This function allows us to intervene on various aspects concerning the image, ranging from brightness to the background you can choose to modify you hate remove it. To give an example, just go to “Gallery” and select the photo, then press on “Edit”, the icon to click is the one with the pencil. Afterwards, you will have to go to the “Beauty mode” and select the wording “Animal world”. From that moment on it will be possible to make any necessary changes. Not all Xiaomi cell phones are compatible with HyperOSto find out just go to Google Play Store and check if it is possible to get theupdate. In short, anyone who hasn’t tried it yet can give it a try, this way taking and editing won’t be so complicated and the photos will be truly beautiful. How many of you have already used it?

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