Italy 24 Press News

A technologically advanced civilization may be hidden on Earth, Harvard reveals

In the academic world there is widespread discussion on the phenomenon of “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (UAP), commonly known as UFOs. Well, recent research carried out by a team of scholars from Harvard and Montana Technological University proposes a bold and stimulating theory: UAP sightings could be attributable to technologically advanced civilizations, hidden deep within the Earth or even among usdisguised as human beings.

This intriguing hypothesis was described in a paper that contemplates several possibilities, some of which could appear like plots from science fiction novels. One of these speculates on the existence of a remnant form of an ancient, highly advanced human civilization, who still observes our activities today. A further theory hypothesizes that an intelligent species developed independently of humans, perhaps starting from evolved dinosaurs, remaining incognito on our planet.

Other suggested hypotheses include the possibility that these alleged terrestrial occupants come from another planet or time period, or that they can be considered less technological and more “magical” beings, comparable to earthly angels. These creatures they may have underground or underwater bases e they may be able to blend in perfectly with humans or take on diverse forms, such as those of non-human primates or reptiles.

The UAP phenomenon has been the subject of increasing attention, especially after recent military testimonies and the disclosure by former officials such as David Grusch of alleged alien spaceship recovery programs by the United States. NASA has also opened the door to research into mysterious high-speed objects spotted by military pilots.

The paper also quotes former House Representative Mike Gallagher, who raised the idea that UAPs could be a sign of an ancient civilization, hidden for millennia, now deciding to reveal itself. Some researchers, such as Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb, have suggested that there may have been ancient civilizations on planets like Mars or Earth, existing billions of years apart from each other, and therefore unaware of each other’s existence. of the other.

Although the theories proposed in the document may seem extreme, the authors insist on the need to maintain an open and humble approach to these ideas, given the persistent mystery surrounding UAPs. “While unlikely, we hope this paper demonstrates that these hypotheses should remain on the table as we seek to understand the empirical puzzle of UAPs“, conclude the researchers. The appeal is therefore not to discard these hypotheses a priori, given that some aspects of UAPs are so unusual as to require unconventional explanations.

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