Italy 24 Press News

Ducati, Marquez sells more than Martin? Marc: “Sure” – News

Successful plan

“Marc Marquez is a beast from a marketing point of view”. Jorge Martin he was aware that from a commercial point of view he could not compete with the eight-time world champion. Marquez a year ago began to plan a plan that no one would have ever bet on, and instead in the space of 12 months, or rather, less, the phenomenon from Cervera went from a disastrous technical situation in Honda to having in his hands the bike of dreams for the two-year period 2025-2026.

“What if I sell more than Martin? Certain – Marquez declared yesterday in interviews on the eve of the Dutch GP in Assen as reported by the Spanish newspaper Marca – you have to ask Ducati if this was a factor or not. Martin deserved the factory bike, but you have to be selfish. My plan worked, I wanted to show that I was still competitive in this transition year and I did it, I haven’t won yet, but I still got the factory Ducati for 2025 and with that I will have to fight for the title”.

Marquez even accepted the fact that he could lose the sponsorship with Red Bull given that Ducati is linked to Monster: “Sometimes you have to make decisions that may mean you have to give up something. The continuation of the collaboration with Red Bull is not 100% in my hands, I have put the sporting aspect first.. I hope I can continue with Red Bull as I have been with them since 2008.”

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