Italy 24 Press News

from the stadium to the signing campaign, the whole truth about Roma’s future

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Friedkin-Roma, uncertain future (

We’re not there yet. The renewal of De Rossi, which has been in the air for months, has finally officially arrived. This move was appreciated by the fans, but not enough to calm the controversy. The Giallorossi still have to invest in the market: the first operations have arrived, but only as adjustments to what was already in place.

The redemption of Angelino and the transfer of Belotti at Como: operations already announced and not enough to quench the fans’ thirst for the market. It is not just a question of curiosity and greed, the square wants answers. The public has given its support with 40 thousand subscriptions in a few weeks. It’s gearing up for another sold-out season.

Friedkin, how many suspended

Responding in the present with the box closed is a preponderant characteristic of yellow and red, who have always demonstrated faith and unconditional love. Now, however, they want to be repaid. The most popular question on the radio and in bars is: “Who are we taking?”. The answer to this question, for the moment, does not exist.

The Texan company’s plans for the future (

So, if the company works under the radar, without saying anything to the press, he must give some other signal. Dybala’s renewals and Svilar, there too: we are working for you. This is the claim par excellence in the Trigoria area. The Belgian goalkeeper put in a social hourglass to determine that the renewal is near, the only trace and consolation in weeks of emptiness.

The anger of the fans

Dybala he has to return from holidays, then he will talk to Ghisolfi, the Manchester United however he works on the flanks and nothing leaks from Rome. A factor that does nothing but sediment the anger of a fed-up square. In the shadow of the Colosseum, total silence, but the news from outside is pouring in. The Friedkins bought Everton: more fuel on the fire. With one more team – the Texans also own the Cannes – how will Roma be managed?

Paulo Dybala awaits renewal (

The Hello he said and reassured several times that nothing will change. The fans, however, want something to change: to continue telling the fans that the she-wolf is a priority, when in the last three years it always ends up in sixth place, it’s hard to believe. There are – as a consolation – the two European finals in as many years with a feat that came close this year.

For the “yellow-red crowd”, however, it is not enough. The people want the Champions League: to reach the top four. This is the imperative for the moment. As well as understanding something about the future. The issue linked to the new stadium prevails – in correlation with all this. Roma Capitale has made it clear that it is on the side of the Friedkins, who however must present the feasibility project. Nothing has arrived yet.

The stage of affairs

The greatest fear for the Roma people are returning, as already happened with Pallotta, with a handful of flies in their hands. Even in this case there is a truth: that is, that the Friedkins found it difficult to implement the surveys useful for the planning due to the appeals accepted by the TAR of Lazio from the residents of Pietralata.

The operations, therefore, have slowed down. In September, however, the documents should be delivered. Something is moving, but not everything. The fans have the voice to shout, but also the anger to bang his fists on the tableA strong signal must arrive, and it is not certain that the market in this sense cannot undergo an acceleration, also because it is frankly difficult to go slower than this.

A ‘Dybala-style’ blow

There are the bills, the deadlines and the agreements with the UEFA. Company speeches. The fan cheers and rejoices, he just wants to smile again. If the pitch can’t give him smiles due to the summer break, he at least hopes for some last-minute consolation. A blow to Dybala, a new square Colosseum in celebration. Because emotion cannot only pass through vein of De Rossias much as it may be a boast, it serves the foundations of a future that still seems too far away.

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