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Summer sports and injuries: advice from specialists

For many people, summer rhymes with sport: for all of them the summer season is synonymous with five-a-side football, running, beach volleyball, padel, tennis, golf, surfing, rowing, rafting and so on and so forth.

The important thing, however, is not to overdo it: when you do sport, especially if you are not very trained, the risk is that too much is too much and that those who pay the price are above all bones and muscles.

In short, summer sports and injuries are a sad combination. In fact, when sporting activity suddenly intensifies, without adequate preparation, the risks of injuries to ligaments, muscles and bones can increase.

Summer sports and injuries: the problem is over use

It is very important, therefore, do not abuse your condition: When we talk about overuse – explains Alberto Momoli, President of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology, SIOT and Director of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Unit at San Bortolo Hospital in VicenzaIt refers to repeated athletic gestures with excessive loads on the musculoskeletal structure, often caused by poor athletic preparation”.

“In addition to traumas resulting in injuries, they exist overload pathologies characterized by repetitive microtraumas which hinder the tissue’s ability to self-repair. During physical activity, various tissues, such as muscles, tendons, bones and ligaments, can be overused and suffer excessive physiological stress.”

Before dedicating yourself to sports activities during the summer season – echoes Simone Ripanti, Secretary of SIOT and Orthopedic Medical Director, Complex Operating Unit of Orthopedics and Traumatology, San Giovanni Hospital Trust, Rome – in addition to adequate physical preparation, we always recommend use suitable footwear and do not underestimate the importance of rest necessary between the days dedicated to sport to avoid the risk of muscle-tendon stress”.

Summer sports and injury risk, pay attention to physical preparation

These are very important recommendations which must not remain just theory, but must be put into practice taking into account two other important factors, your chronological age and your level of physical preparation as Dr. Ripamonti invites us to reflect.

“Let’s take a practical example: for those who decide not to miss even a soccer match with friends, but come from a completely sedentary winter Good athletic preparation is essential to prevent musculoskeletal problems that would then ruin the summer. It is clear that age also plays a fundamental role when it comes to resuming sporting activity after months of inactivity.”

“So it is advisable to prepare with a series of exercises, also aided by a personal trainer, to be performed in the gym or in the open air to improve aerobic and anaerobic capacity, with particular attention to the recovery of muscle tone and re-elasticity of all muscle-tendon structures”.

He adds: “Doing sports regularly twice a week if necessary gradual increase in intensity and duration it can be considered sufficient to get to the summer tournaments in the best possible way, without making a bad impression and above all preventing skeletal muscle damage. Finally, I recommend that for the less young, a careful cardiorespiratory evaluation before resuming sporting activity with targeted specialist visits.”

Swimming and cycling are also summer sports at risk of injury

Likewise, those who come from a winter that was not entirely sedentary and characterized by a good dose of physical activity should not rest on their laurels either: even those who, for example, go to the swimming pool regularly in winter, should reflect on the differences between swimming in the sea and in the pool.

Also in this case, Dr. Ripamonti invites us to reflect: “Engaging in long swims during the summer season, but not only, requires first of all a certain level of aquatic skills, which makes this sport easier and more comfortable. The intense and prolonged swim presents differences between the sea and the pool; basically swimming in the sea is more tiring and requires better physical preparation. In the sea there is undoubtedly greater ease of floating, due to the salinity which makes us lighter than that of the swimming pool; however this also implies greater resistance and therefore greater effort with any style practiced and lower speed also due to environmental conditions (colder water, wave motion, currents, less orientation). A good overall athletic and swimming preparation is the necessary condition to face long swims in the sea in conditions of maximum climatic safety”.

Finally, for many, summer means taking the bike out of the garage, even in this case, however, appropriate precautions are needed: “Even in cycling at any level of performance and age, problems with the musculoskeletal system are a function of athletic preparation and intensity of performance. The position of the bicycle during pedaling must be correct (a careful choice of bicycle is advisable) this is to avoid spinal pain, especially in predisposed patients”, warns Doctor Ripamonti.

“Another problem may concern the knee joint; also in this case Correct positioning is important (evaluate the height of the saddle) as during demanding pedaling you can overload the patellofemoral joint or some tendon structures of the knee. Other problems, not related to the musculoskeletal system, are prostatitis in those who already have prostate problems, inflammation from rubbing and contact (inguinal region). These latter problems can be prevented by equipping themselves with adequate technical clothing. Just as it is of fundamental importance to prevent environmental problems such as dehydration and excessive heat during the summer season” concludes the expert.

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