Italy 24 Press News

Saronno, Sa(l)vala pedaling: new date, new registration link

SARONNO – Due to a transport strike, the second edition of Sa(l)vala, the cycling tour starting from Saronno and arriving in Laveno, has been postponed to Sunday 15 September (the first date was 16 June).

The Sa(l)vala initiative was born last year with the aim of combining the slow and ecological mobility of two wheels with the passion for a demanding sport such as cycling and, at the same time, with the valorisation of historical places and architectural but also of enchanting landscapes that exist in the Province of Varese.

The meeting will be in Saronno in Villa Gianetti, where a guided tour of the historic eighteenth-century residence is scheduled, and from where the ride will start which, following a protected itinerary, will arrive at lunchtime in Leggiuno, where lunch and guided tour of the Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso, will then continue to Cerro di Laveno (with a stop and guided visit to the International Museum of Ceramic Design) and then to Laveno Mombello for a free visit of the lakeside and the city. In total there are 70 kilometers amidst beauty.

The return will be by train: Trenord has, in fact, made available a journey dedicated to participants in Sa(l)vala and their bicycles!

Attached is the poster and the program and registrations HERE.

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