Italy 24 Press News

it goes up to 6 million

06.24.2024 1.00 pm by Tutto editorial team
Source: by Giovanni Scotto for Il Roma

If the case By Lorenzo it could continue and become more intricate than it seems, at Napoli there is no desire to do an “encore” with Kvaratskhelia. Even for the attacker, a European Championship so far has not been exciting. Against the Czech Republic the first historic point and qualification still possible, but the Napoli winger has not had an impact so far. On Saturday he also left the field battered. Nothing that will change the minds of Napoli and Conte. Kvara is essential, also because the transfer of Osimhen is on the calendar, certainly not his. And while the Di Lorenzo issue is more “internal” and intricate, for the Georgian the prosecutor’s polemical ideas should be included in the normal skirmishes for contract renewal. Even if a real negotiation never started (and hasn’t started yet), Mamuka Jugeli received “rumor” of a salary increase from 1.2 to 3.5 million per season.

Too little, because after Osimhen’s super renewal for 10 million, the Georgian’s agent and father decided to raise the bar. In essence, if the Nigerian is worth 10 million per season Kvara is worth at least 8, or in any case 7. It is not known if this is the requested amount, but the concept is clear. However, it was Paris Saint Germain who interfered in the matter, having started contacts with the Georgian’s entourage for months: there are rumors of a temptation of (coincidentally) 10 million per season. Other than Osimhen, the French are interested in Kvara. An interference that De Laurentiis didn’t like, but he asked Manna to avoid further disagreements. In the next few days the sporting director will see Jugeli to finally begin this negotiation. Napoli should raise the proposal up to 5 million, which could even become 6 if you consider the usual bonuses. It is hoped that they will be sufficient, also because the will of the player, who willingly stays in Naples, will be leveraged.

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