Italy 24 Press News

Rugby – Rugby Roma denies, Pianetarugby confirms

This afternoon, with immense amazement, we learned that Rugby Roma was quick to provide its reconstruction of Friday evening’s dinner with the Federal President Marzio Innocenti and his deputy Giorgio Morelli. It is known that news that is denied is news that is given twice. We would like to make two observations to the president of Rugby Roma Olympic: one of method and one of merit.

The method: in doing our job as journalists we tell the facts and sometimes express opinions by reading the facts. If someone doesn’t find themselves there, they can easily write or call: anyone has found hospitality. This is why we are perplexed: because we read the statement by chance. It was not sent to us who are directly interested.

Among other things, we are aware of the round of phone calls that took place this morning. It seems, but we cannot honestly swear, that someone also gave the President the writer’s telephone number, but our cell phone remained silent.
A piece of advice for the future: an extra phone call is better. Pianetarugby has eyes and ears everywhere. And let’s be clear that we do not accept lessons in loyalty from anyone. Much less by those who deliberately or through inexperience ignore good habits in relations with the media.

On the merits: given that since Wednesday, in the thoughts of the plans of the Innocenti/Morelli/Luisi trio, the Ruby Roma has been a worm in light of the over 120 votes won by David Fonzi as delegate of the Rome technicians, the press release confirms that there ‘it was the dinner, the writer defined it as a courtesy (in fact he should have written of an electoral nature because Innocenti and Morelli were there to explain their ideas in the hope of being voted for in the next elections) and that Rugby Roma did not has yet to decide who to vote for. And she’s open to listening to all programs.

So what are we talking about? If after two hours of “kind availability to answer all questions” (knowing the great storytelling ability of the federal number one) a company intervenes saying that it has not yet decided, what is the point of the denial? To reassure the feds who, when they don’t feel supported, remove their masks to reveal their true identities?

Now we await further denial to narrate some other details of last weekend on the Tor Pagnotta – Stadio Olimpico axis. And in that case we will really be ‘astonished’. By the way: no one should authorize us to talk about Rugby Roma. It’s called information.

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