Italy 24 Press News

Mockery Errani, Pera-Parks is the final in Gaiba

After the first set Sara Errani seemed to be heading towards the final of the Veneto Open promoted by the Veneto Region. And instead, after a very intense match, physically, technically and emotionally, it was Bernarda Pera who took the lead for the last act. Who, together with Alycia Parks, will give life to an all stars and stripes final that ensures the permanence of the title overseas after Ashlyn Krueger’s 2023 success. Two rather different semi-finals, the ones that were played in front of the packed stands of the Central Court of TC Gaiba, with two features in common: length and uncertainty of the verdict. The mockery for Italy and for the many fans and aficionados of Sara Errani took place in the second of the two semi-finals.

Because the 37-year-old from Romagna seemed to be able to handle the left-handed tennis of the 29-year-old American, who however “summarized” her entire week in Gaiba in one match. “I’m getting more and more used to this surface and I’m gaining a lot of confidence,” she said. And she showed it on the court, especially on serve, with 16 aces scored during the match and with an enviable confidence with her forehand, especially for those who confessed to never having felt at ease on the green before now. Yet the tennis player of Croatian origins, who has already won 2 WTA circuit titles in her career (Budapest and Hamburg, both in 2022), has been able to get out of several complex situations. Like at the end of the second set, when Errani was close to making the save that would have earned her the second final here (after the one she lost in 2022). Or at the beginning of the third, when the Italian had attempted to escape at 2-0 before being caught and then overcome with momentum until 4-2, a prelude to the final 4-6 7-5 6-3 in a two-hour match and 29 minutes.

If Bernarda Pera surprises, Alycia Parks puts on a real show. She shoots hard, serves very well, covers the net with authority and has great athleticism. It’s a shame that she does and undoes, she enters and exits the match with ease and alternates excellent shots with very obvious errors, phases of competitive trance and glaring missed passes. That’s why you don’t get bored watching her play. It is more complex, even frustrating, to deal with it. Susan Bandecchi knows this well, having faced her in the best week of her career in the first semi-final of the Veneto Open promoted by the Veneto Region. A wavering match, which ultimately turned right at the end when the American’s switch was positioned on “Top 50” mode (she who was n.40 in August 2023, today is n.148). For Bandecchi, at that point, there was little that could be done.

And yes, after losing the first set and dominating the second, the 25-year-old from Ticino also got the third set back on track, after immediately going down by a break. Having closed the gap to 3-4, Susan tried to give the decisive push but the 23-year-old from Atlanta, Georgia, right in the most delicate moment, strung together a series of winning shots, extracting magic from her entire repertoire: aces, winning serves, forehands , descents to the net. That’s where Alycia put the tournament fairytale to rest. “We are very satisfied with the week – said Andrea Turco, member of the Technical Group of the Tc Milano Alberto Bonacossa where Susan trains -. The only regret is for that pain in my right pectoral that appeared just yesterday.” No alibi, however, “that’s how it works in tennis – he adds – when you get to the end of a very expensive tournament you inevitably pay for something”.

The final is scheduled for 3.45pm, live on Supertennis TV, despite some concerns related to the weather which seems about to deteriorate on Gaiba. Not enough to dampen the enthusiasm of the only tournament in Italy on natural grass.




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