Italy 24 Press News

Rugby, the Under 20 national team taking lessons from the Treviso firefighters:

A “team building” activity aimed at the players of the Italian Under 20 Rugby team: this was the objective of the training meeting which took place yesterday afternoon at the provincial fire brigade headquarters in Treviso.

The initiative was born from the request of the national team manager Andrea Saccà, who had highlighted how often the players compared their team concept on the pitch to that developed during fire brigade rescues. For this reason, a training meeting was organized for the 30 athletes, leaving today for the world championships in South Africa, to try to immerse themselves in the activities carried out daily by the rescue teams. In the first part of the meeting, the work of the firefighter was illustrated in the classroom. During the lesson, engineer Cicirello underlined how: «Firefighters and Rugby, although they are two different worlds, actually have many things in common. In fact, both groups require constant and effective communication. In our case for our safety, in yours to coordinate actions. Then again in common there is the reliability and trust to always be able to count on the team. The strongest point that firefighters and rugby players have in common is the strong team spirit that unites even in difficulties.”

After the lesson, the players were then involved in the practical part with some simulations useful for understanding the coordination capabilities of a team, using strategy, tactics and operations typical of working in an intervention scenario. Divided into groups, the children were able to try their hand at the tests that firefighters face on a daily basis, including extinguishing flames with the use of fire extinguishers and recovering an intoxicated person inside the control tower. At the end of the meeting, the national coach Roberto Santamaria thanked them for the day just spent, confirming that they will carry with them the values ​​of unity, mutual trust and loyalty of a fire brigade team.

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