Italy 24 Press News

Calhanoglu, from Bayern 4 years at 8 million. Inter sets the price

Inter have not received an official offer. If the player were to ask for a transfer, the Nerazzurri club has the request ready

Bayern are following Calhanoglu. The Bavarians would like the Inter director, but for the Nerazzurri club the Turk is untransferable. At the moment no official offer.

“Inter has not formally received phone calls or proposals either from the Bavarian club or from the player’s entourage. Inzaghi, in particular, considers the Turkish midfielder to be the irreplaceable cornerstone of the team mechanism and before giving the green light to his possible transfer he certainly he would fight by any means. Çalhanoglu is 30 years old, with a contract expiring in 2027 and a net salary of 6.5 million euros, the media are certain that the Inter player is more than attracted by the proposal of returning to the Bundesliga. star and no longer as an emerging player, having among other things the possibility of earning 8 million plus bonuses for four years.

Marotta and Ausilio remain spectators of the story, confident that Bayern, a club with which they maintain excellent diplomatic relations, will not carry out any trips. Okay, but what would happen if the player informed Inter of his willingness to accept the Germans’ court? Although reluctantly the club, which so far – it is worth repeating – has received no signals, would listen to the proposal: warning to sailors, Çalhanoglu costs 60 million”writes the Corriere della Sera.

Lukaku docet: history teaches that when a player pushes to leave and sows clues here and there about his desire to leave, it is useless to put up barricades. Hakan has postponed any assessment of his future until the end of the European Championship, even though he has already made an important decision having, for example, rejected a pharaonic proposal from Arabia worth 20 million a year.

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