Italy 24 Press News

Carcare, another year of volleyball –

“There is no need to comment on the results obtained by the Carcare Volleyball group – declares President Lorenzo in illustrating the activity at the end of the competitive season; it has been a fairly complicated sporting year both due to the various regulatory changes and the management of the championships, we faced 12 championships for a total of 208 competitions in addition to the 3 championships reserved for children and the Scipione tour, all in a positive way thanks to the help of the Pallavolo Carcare group”.

“Numbers that were managed by our group made up of coaches and assistants, parents, managers and volunteers, which also allowed the holding of the 14th ALWAYS WITH US international tournament in which foreign Serie B1 and Serie A teams participate – continues the President – in addition to the Spring tournament reserved for the youth category, the SUPERMAN men’s tournament, 4 events reserved for our athletes aged 5 to 12, among which the TOURNAMENT UNDER THE PLATANI stands out which saw the participation of 320 athletes, to which is added the Halloween, Christmas and Easter tournaments, always reserved for young athletes”.

“In all of this, Carcare Volleyball achieved promotion to the second women’s division, the acquisition of the men’s D series championship, the territorial title of women’s Under 13 and third division, the top of the rankings in the various men’s and women’s categories, the access to the final four for the female under 18 and under 14 teams, a tour of excellent placings which demonstrates the state of efficiency of the club thanks to the commitment of the collaborators”.

“To achieve greater motivational boosts in the sporting field and pay greater attention to young people – concludes the President – we are of the opinion that sport and territory must think in synergy, sport in Val Bormida needs structures, financial aid but above all of trust on the part of parents”.

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