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Yuasa Battery, the green line continues: here is Tatarov

The young Bulgarian spiker is one of the emerging talents of international volleyball: “Grottazzolina is a fundamental step for my career”

Grottazzolina – After the arrival of the 2001 class midfielder Comparoni from Monza, the green line of the Yuasa Battery continues and in view of the next Super League season it has truly given itself a great gift, also beating off a lot of competition: in fact it arrives in the Fermo area Georgi Tatarov.

Spiker born in 2003 of Bulgarian nationality, 200 centimeters tall, currently playing as a starter for the Bulgarian national team in the final week of the 2024 edition of the Volley Nations League, Tatarov arrives in Grottazzolina with already two years of international experience behind him, a lot if you consider consider that we are talking about a boy in his early twenties. After growing up in the thriving CSKA youth academy in Sofia, in the 2022-23 season comes his first opportunity to showcase himself abroad, and immediately in a top-level championship: the Altekma SK shirt is ready for him, main volleyball expression of the city of Izmir (ancient Smyrna), located on the Turkish Aegean coast with over 4 million inhabitants. The Turkish top flight is, especially in the top teams, one of the most competitive leagues in the world, and for Tatarov this certainly represents an important first opportunity to gain experience. Not even twenty years old, he takes just a handful of training sessions to take his place as a starter and never leaves it, playing 24 matches and 77 sets.

The Turkish experience then opened the doors to the French top flight, where he landed last summer to play for Narbonne. Troubled season for the rosaneri, decimated by injuries even among key members of the team, but Tatarov ended the season with 26 matches played, 91 sets and over 300 personal scores.

A versatile player, he also played the opposite role in the national youth team, graduating best in the role at the European championships both in the under 19s in 2020 and in the under 17s in 2019, while having moved to place four he was awarded the title of best spiker at the Balkan U21 Championships of 2022, also winning the competition and repeating the victory of the previous year. He also boasts a bronze at the 2023 under-21 world championships, later won by Iran who beat Italy in the final.

Still involved in the Volley Nations League with his senior national team, which he is playing as a starter and with excellent results, Tatarov can’t wait to start this new adventure in the most important championship in the world: “I’m really happy to play in Grottazzolina in the next season, and I am proud of the trust that this historic society has placed in me. When I learned of the club’s interest in me I didn’t think twice, for a young man like me competing with the greatest in the world is a gigantic opportunity, I can’t wait to test myself and compete in the best league of the world! I hope to be able to showcase my qualities and I will do everything to make this happen, to give a great hand to the team and get as high as possible in the championship.”

A team which, as it is emerging, is very intriguing to the young Bulgarian talent: “I don’t know my future teammates personally, but many of them are well-known champions in the world of volleyball, and I met others on the pitch as opponents in VNL and in the French championship. Much will depend on the volleyball that we will be able to express,

There is also a passage on the environment, on the town that will host him, and inevitably on the fans that await him: “I know I’m arriving in a very beautiful and welcoming area, I can’t wait to get to know it and visit it, and to meet the fans , who I already know are very warm and close to the team. We will need them greatly, we hope many will follow us!”

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