Italy 24 Press News

Bologna leaves and what happens to the championship?

When this post was published, we did not know, at Pianeta Basket, that the women’s Virtus Bologna would not take part in the next A1 series championship. We knew about the downsizing taking place at Virtus, but we also knew about contacts – generic – from the same company with some agents to get information on certain players, stuff from days ago, a week or two.

Without prejudice to the fact that it is not up to us to make judgments on the choice of Virtus, what leaves us speechless is the imperturbability of those who govern the women’s movement – THAT HE COULDN’T NOT KNOW – and the audacity to say that everything is fine and that we are healthy. Embarrassing. For the leaders of the women’s movement obviously.

Also because now the chapter on the number of teams participating is opening. Given that for now nothing is known about Rome but nothing at all, once Bologna has been lost, the next A1 series currently has 11 teams. What will the scientists of the FIP and the Women’s Basketball League do? A repechage? They will ask Udine if he wants to move up due to the final lost against Verona or they will ask him to San Giovanni Valdarno who lost the other final with Derthona? Maybe a playoff in mid-July… Don’t laugh, here you are capable of anything.

They will do “human and divine things” as he wrote Camilleri, why Rome signs up and acts as a stopgap? Or will they go to another entrepreneur asking to quickly set up a team? Will they leave the championship at 11 after last season at 13? Everything is possible and permissible.

Also loudly asking that once and for all we stop pretending nothing is happening and address the issue of women’s basketball with the courage of people capable of admitting their repeated failures and proceeding with a Caterpillar to eliminate everything and restore -inscription not only of the rules but above all of the concepts and ideas.

And remember…_“The Board of Directors of the Women’s Basketball League, meeting today in a video conference in its entirety with the Federal Councilor Rossella Ferro and the President of the Board of Arbitrators Paolo Betti, once again firmly and unanimously confirmed the their support for FIP President Giovanni Petrucci. A trust that has never been lacking and that has not been undermined at all by completely unfounded rumors about the movement’s lack of cohesion and unity of purpose, which only aim to destabilize an environment characterized by great harmony and passion.
In recent years, women’s basketball has undertaken an important process of growth and visibility, with constant work by all the components and a project resulting from the precious collaboration between LBF and FIP, fundamental not only for top basketball but for the entire national basketball movement.”

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