Italy 24 Press News

Serie B, TV rights: there is a new strategy

Serie B is changing and aiming to get the most out of TV rights with a new strategy. Today’s Lega Serie B meeting, in light of an initial market offer that was unsuccessful and a scenario of declining audiovisual revenues despite a growing audience, resolved to publish the final offer to the market relating to the three-year period 2024-2027, structured “by product” and no longer “by platform”, with a non-derogable minimum value and without provision for an adhesion deadline.

the news

The subject of the offer includes a direct package reserved for domestic users and a second reserved for public establishments. The fees requested are modulated depending on the number of members. The values ​​indicated were quantified in consideration of the right balance between the trend of the TV market and the significant increase in audiences of the last seasons of League B matches (+1 million contacts in the last year alone). Numbers, those of the audience, which are certified and recorded an average cumulative audience of 23.57 million throughout the championship and 2.6 million for the ten post-season matches (playoff – playout), with also matches that have surpassed some Serie A matches.

product defense

“Figures – we read in the Lega press release – which precisely qualify the value of the Serie BKT product. In this way Lega B adopts a new strategy to protect the value of its product and respond to the expansion of international competitions which, without any rebalancing of the system, broadcasters’ investments in domestic competitions of all categories and all European countries are decreasing”.

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