European stocks in the red. Focus on central bankers’ words

(Telestock) – Negative day for Piazza Affari and other main European stock exchanges. Today the focus is on interventions at Sintra Central Banks Forum organised by the ECBparticularly on the panel featuring Christine Lagarde and Jerome Powell.

On the macroeconomic front, Istat has communicated that in Italia a maggio 2024, compared to the previous month, are employment decreased (after three months of growth), the unemployed remained stable and the inactive increased.

L’Euro / US Dollar continues the session at the levels of the day before, reporting a variation of -0.18%.Oro is substantially stable at 2,329.3 dollars an ounce. The Petrolium (Light Sweet Crude Oil) shows a timid gain and marks +0.36%.

Salt it spreadsettling at +153 basis points, with an increase of 4 basis points, with the 10-year BTP yield equal to 4.12%.

Among the markets of the Old Continent thoughtful Frankfurtwith a fractional drop of 0.68%, is wavering Londrawith a modest decline of 0.43%, and a slow day for Pariswhich marks a decrease of 0.57%.

Minus sign for the Milan price listin a session characterized by broad selling, with the FTSE MIB which shows a 0.71% drop; along the same lines, a negative day for the FTSE Italia All-Sharewhich continues the session at 35,646 points, down 0.71%. Down the FTSE Italia Mid Cap (-0.73%); along the same lines, slightly down FTSE Italia Star (-0,2%).

Between best italian stocks large cap, moderately positive day for Leonardowhich rose by a fractional +1.15% (after the rumours of Il Sole 24 Ore according to which the company is in “very advanced” negotiations with the German Rheinmetall for an alliance on land weapons). A session without impetus for Tenarisreflecting a moderate increase of 0.95%.

The strongest sales, however, are seen on Ivecowhich continues trading at -3.86%. Sales are concentrated on Stellantiswhich suffers a decline of 2.57%. Small loss for Unipolwhich trades at -1.48%. Hesitant Pirelliwhich gives up 1.42%.

At the top among Italian stocks mid cap, From Friend (+3,74%), Digital Value (+1,02%), Tinext (+0,69%) e Caltagirone SpA (+0,69%).

The strongest drops, however, occur on Buzzi Unicemwhich continues the session with -2.58%. Sales on GVSwhich recorded a decline of 2.40%. Negative session for Lottomaticawhich shows a loss of 2.34%. Under pressure Zignago Glasswhich shows a decrease of 2.03%.

(Telestock) 02-07-2024 10:40

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