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flexible wings are under attack

Red Bull accuses Ferrari, McLaren and Mercedes of using irregular flexible wings. An aerodynamic solution and engineering which would be the basis of their recent excellent performances in the latest F1 GPs.

The Milton Keynes team has realized that its advantage over its rivals is reducing and is taking action, one of the first steps being to report the fact and, if everything remains the same, to undertake new measures to the limit of the regulations.

The situation

Red Bull threatens its F1 competitors on a war footing. According to their engineers, Ferrari, Mclaren and Mercedes use irregular flexible wings. The controversy that has developed in the last few hours in Formula 1 has rekindled a long-standing debate on technical regulation and the management of technological innovations in the championship. This dispute comes against a backdrop of growing tensions between major teams as they seek to gain whatever competitive advantage they can within the limits imposed by the FIA ​​(International Automobile Federation).

The concept of flexible wings is not new at all Formula 1. Flexible wings are aerodynamic components designed to flex under load, changing their shape and aerodynamic effect at different speeds. This can provide a significant advantage in terms of reducing aerodynamic drag and increasing straight-line speed while maintaining grip in corners. Over the years, several teams have been accused of using flexible wings to gain an “unfair” advantage. The FIA ​​has continuously updated its rules and tests to try to limit the use of these solutions and the emergence of controversies, but teams have always found creative and alternative ways to circumvent the regulations to their advantage.

The accusation

Red Bull has accused Ferrari, McLaren and even Mercedes of using flexible front wings that deform significantly at high speeds. A solution that aims to reduce aerodynamic drag and allow F1 cars to reach higher speeds in a straight line and greater grip when cornering. Again according to Red Bull, these wings are to be considered non-compliant with the FIA ​​regulations currently in force, which require all aerodynamic parts to be rigid and inflexible under certain conditions.

Red Bull appears to have lodged a formal complaint with the FIA, requesting an investigation. There are no official confirmations but several rumors online report the matter. In the last GPs, federal inspectors would also have visited the Ferrari and McLaren pits which could find themselves under investigation even if they technically comply with the permitted flexibility tests. It should be noted that McLaren is already in the spotlight for a petrol pump.

Mind games

Ferrari and McLaren have repeatedly reiterated that all parts of their single-seater comply with FIA regulations and that the wings in question have undergone and passed all the tests required by the federation. All aerodynamic innovations resulting from months of research and development and which comply with current regulations. On the contrary, it would appear that Red Bull is trying to destabilize the environment with unfounded accusations.

Red Bull’s true intention would appear to be to distract attention from its loss of technical advantage and slow down its opponents’ progress. However, the gap has narrowed considerably in recent months and the Milton Keynes team has noticed this. Ferrari’s success in the Monaco GP and the results of McLaren and Mercedes in Canada are proof of this.

While the FIA ​​has not yet announced any investigations, the governing body may review and potentially update the flexibility tests for the future to ensure all teams can compete on equal terms.


The dispute over flexible wings it could also have significant implications for the 2024 World Championship. If the FIA ​​were to find irregularities, severe sanctions could arrive, including penalty points. At the moment all this is however excluded, we are probably still in the insinuation phase. Technical protests aside, the teams involved in the competition are already working to guarantee the aerodynamic improvements useful for gaining tenths and power useful to the cause. At the next Red Bull double, perhaps the whole thing will be a thing of the past.

Discordant opinions

Many argue that Red Bull is right to raise the issue, flexible wings, front or rear, can represent an advantage if not regulated properly. Others, however, see the accusations as part of a broader strategy of destabilization.

The controversy highlights the complexities and challenges of technical regulation in Formula 1. As teams constantly seek to push the limits of the rules to gain competitive advantages, the FIA ​​must balance technological innovation with the need to ensure fair competition and spectacular. Progress brings continuous unpredictable technological evolutions.

Regardless of the final outcome, this dispute once again highlights how crucial aerodynamic regulation and technical oversight is in maintaining the integrity of the sport.

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