Italy 24 Press News

“It will be a Matic operation”: Rome, lightning blitz of the new DS | Handshake at the end of the month

Nemanja Matic with the Roma shirt/ source

Magica’s next purchase will be a coup made along the same lines as the Serbian midfielder, ready to strengthen the DDR squad.

Roma’s work on the transfer market continues. The Capitoline club is constantly moving on many names and opportunitiesin order to strengthen the squad and make it as competitive as possible on the various fronts in which it will be involved.

Considering that the budget available to the management to carry out a notable signing campaign is not infinite, it will be important for the Giallorossi to seize all the opportunities that arise. And the first from this point of view seems to have been exploited to perfection.

According to the latest rumors, in fact, the new sporting director Florent Ghisolfi is about to close a big deal, which would bring the capital a very experienced footballer in the coming days. A significant coup therefore, closed along the lines of what happened with Nemanja Matic two years ago.

The announcement on the new Roma signing

Recently the journalist Tony Damascelli he spoke as usual to Radio Radio’s microphones. The topics he discussed were different, but in particular he expressed himself clearly on the Roma market, and on the increasingly concrete possibility of seeing Mats Hummels with the Giallorossi shirt next year, defining his arrival as that of Matic two summers ago. Below are his words.

”Hummels is a player of great temperament and tactically perfect. Dangerous even in the offensive phase. I’ve always liked Smalling, he would still have been useful to the English national team without injuries. The arrival of the German would be a Matic-style operation, who however was Mourinho’s man. His impact in a different reality like the Italian one needs to be evaluated.”

Mats Hummels/ source

Hummels, new Roma defensive totem

In recent days there has been more and more talk about the possible arrival of the German centre-back in the capital, which would be a major coup for Roma. Regardless of age, the player would guarantee great experience in the Giallorossi defensethus becoming the new pivot for Daniele De Rossi’s rearguard.

So we just have to wait for the next few days understand if the transfer of the former Borussia Dortmund player will go through and whether the coach can start thinking about the team for next year with one more Hummels.

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