Italy 24 Press News

You never get used to it. Virtus were favourites

Pippo Ricci was a guest last week on Tutti Convocati, a Radio 24 radio broadcast: these are his statements on the season with Olimpia Milano and the victory of the Milanese club’s tricolor number 31.


“You never get used to it. The next day is always the best, it’s really nice to get to the end and raise it.”


“Maybe it’s the feeling that helped us arrive ready at the end. Difficulties brought us together and made us win. Winning gives meaning to everything else: it’s been a difficult year, but in the end you try to forget it. When you are in Milan you always want to do your best, even during the year. We didn’t succeed this year but winning in the end is always a sweet ending.”


“After Game 1 against Trento we looked at each other and said that we had to change something. We got together and found the right fit. Virtus were favourites: they had arrived first and had done better than us during the year. We wanted to win Game 1 to make an impact on the series, we succeeded… Then trust and playing together led us to close it at home. A wonderful party, we couldn’t ask for anything better.”


“At the beginning it was difficult to make everyone participate… In the Playoffs the 12 were chosen: I make a special mention for the four left out (Baron, Lo, Valentine and Poythress): they entered the gym and gave their all every day despite they knew they would stay out. Understanding each one’s role made us realize that we could do it if everyone added their little brick. The pitch always speaks: in the end we were a better team than Virtus, perhaps this is the reason why we won.”

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