Italy 24 Press News

Butti in his sixteenth season in the Pool Libertas Cantù shirt

One of the few remaining flags in sport in general, and in volleyball in particular, will continue to fly above the sky of Cantù. The libero Luca Butti continues his experience in the Pool Libertas shirt, and it will be his sixteenth consecutive season in this club, the thirteenth in Serie A2 Credem Banca.

Luca Butti is a precious treasure for the Cantù club given that he has been here for many years – comments Coach Alessandro Mattiroli –. I trained him when he was little, and I ‘brought’ him here when I started working as an athletic trainer. He is a safety for the category. Plus he’s a guy who works a lot and loves this sport. I am truly very happy to find him again in this adventure after so many years.”

I already know Alessandro Mattiroli well – says the libero from Como – and I am very pleased to meet him again after so many years: he was my coach in the youth teams of Yaka Volley. It was he who ‘brought’ me to Cantù when he was the athletic trainer, and now we have the chance to continue working together. I’m happy because he is a very prepared person both on a technical and physical level. For the championship, I would like to go back to playing the Promotion Play Offs, which will be very difficult because there is an extremely high level in Serie A2, and every year it continues to rise. There are very well equipped teams, which have also brought Super League players. The team is almost totally new, a new beginning compared to the last two years, when the group remained more or less unchanged. Now there will be a new group to build. Due to the fact that there will be many young guys, and some even making their debut in the category, I think they will be very close-knit. I also believe that in training there will be a good level of play, which is what will make the team grow a lot. On a personal level my goal is to give my best for the team and the club as I believe I have always done. I have been here for many years, and I have never held back, both in the good years and the not so good years. I hope to be able to convey this to those who have never been to Cantù”.




ON: 08/12/1991

HEIGHT: 184cm

ROLE: free


2007-2009: Intermunicipal Volleyball (Youth)

2009-…: Pool Libertas Cantù (B1/A2)

Photo credit: Patrizia Tettamanti

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