Italy 24 Press News

the attacker has decided his future

Man of the match of the Azzurri at the end of the debut match of theSpalletti’s Italy at Euro 2024, Federico Chiesa has returned to being talked about even outside our borders. If abroad we focus on the plays that drove the team crazyAlbaniain home Juventus we wonder about the possibility of retaining the class of ’97, despite the distance in the renewal. The contract, currently expiring in 2025, is compelling Giuntoli And Motta to make a choice. Rome and Naples remain on the sidelinesbut the boy’s will appears clear.

Chiesa superstar at Euro 2024: the most loved blue on the web

“Church at the European Championship > Church in another tournament”, is undoubtedly the most popular comment on social media, in the aftermath of the match between Italy and Albania, won by Luciano Spalletti’s national team thanks to goals from Bastoni and Barella. In fact, the “outbursts” and the proverbial accelerations by Federico Chiesaa real fury on the right lane and a constant thorn in the side of Mitaj and Seferi, who tried in every way to contain the attacker Juventuswithout particular luck.

After all, if you don’t score and you get elected man of the match by UEFA and the organization of Euro 2024, means that the performance was truly of a different caliber. A performance that brought to mind what was seen and appreciated in the European Championship staged three summers ago, with the goals at Wembley against Austria and Spain accompanied by the ease with which he passed his direct opponents even in the final against Southgate’s England. It was precisely in that tournament that Chiesa became, in everyone’s eyes, a total footballer, very close to being considered a champion. One of those that “moves”, that when it’s not there you notice it.

The future of Federico Chiesa: the footballer wants to stay

As the weeks went by, once the 2023-24 sports season was over, the relationship between the Juventus And Federico Chiesa’s entourage was increasingly ambiguous. The contract expires in June 2025 does not allow the Bianconeri to sleep peacefully, thanks to the need to respect some limits imposed by the new management and the fear of losing the player on a free transfer (next year, ed.).

In recent days, however, the telephone contact – registered by Tuttosport – between the agent Fali Ramadani and the Juventus club seems to have reopened to a possible permanence. After all, Chiesa’s will is clear: he wants to stay at Juventusbut enjoying the full esteem and trust of the technical area.

Giuntolifor his part, proposed a contract extension without a “salary increase”not moving away from 5 million net per season today received by the former Fiorentina. The parties, in an absolutely cordial atmosphere, have decided to meet again close to the second week of July, when Chiesa will probably be at the closing credits of his European Championship and free from commitments. Rome and Napleswith which Ramadani has already interfaced, are warned.

Where Chiesa would play in Thiago Motta’s Juventus

From its not being indispensable to the possibility of representing an important arrow in the quiver of Thiago Motta, Juve’s new coach who is bringing about a first revolution with the help of Cristiano Giuntoli. For the moment, coming in, the Bianconeri are moving mainly in the middle of the pitch, a department that could lose Rabiot and soon welcome Douglas Luiz, but the intention is also to strengthen the attackers available to the Italian-Brazilian. If Chiesa remained, under conditions different from those currently in place, Motta would have no difficulty in finding a space for him in a hypothetical 4-2-3-1 or into a chameleon 4-3-3.

On the right, starting with his feet almost on the lateral foul line, he is expressing his full potential with the Italy shirt. After a season spent alongside Dusan Vlahovic, in a 3-5-2 that only allowed him to expand on the left-footed side at times, Chiesa would like to play his cards in a game system more suited to his characteristics. Different form, different position.

In the new Juve of the former Bologna coach, the “son of art” would play the role of offensive right winger, with the ability to constantly target the man and create numerical superiority in the attacking phase, with the help of the relevant full-back. It’s true, he would converge less towards the center of the field, but he has already amply demonstrated that he also has an excellent left foot. The opposing defenses are warned.

Source: Ansa
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