Italy 24 Press News

Cristiano Ronaldo calls the Juventus player: money is better than stress | Deal done at crazy prices

Cristiano Ronaldo (ANSA) –

Cristiano Ronaldo has called his former Juventus teammate and the footballer now seems very close to leaving Turin. What is going on.

With the farewell of Massimiliano Allegri, and the arrival of Thiago Motta who according to many sports newspapers he would have already signed the contract with the Juventus clubthe revolution that John Elkann spoke about a few months ago has officially begun.

In fact, the CEO of Exor, in outlining the future of Juventus, had considered the season just concluded as a “year zero”, thus suggesting that the new corporate leaders who took office after the resignation of Andrea Agnelli and his board of directors, they will now begin to be able to chart a new sporting course for the Old Lady.

And on the other hand, Giuntoli was hired last summer, after a close court by the Juventus managers that lasted months, precisely to become, as Elkann himself specified in the letter to Exor shareholders, the man to whom you can entrust the keys to the entire sports area for the re-foundation of the club.

And the Juventus sporting director has demonstrated since the first weeks of his new role that he is capable to make difficult and unpopular choices, putting your face to it.

Szczesny closer and closer to farewell

In fact, we must not forget that a few weeks after his arrival at Continassa, it was he who took the responsibility of going to visit Leonardo Bonucci at home, to inform him that he was no longer part of the company’s plans and that therefore a new arrangement had to be sought.

He did the same with the same decision-making attitude towards Alex Sandro, telling him a year in advance that his contract would not be renewed. And the same fate now seems to befall another Juventus flag, the Polish goalkeeper Szczesny.

Szczesny (ANSA) –

The Polish goalkeeper is close to joining Ronaldo in Arabia

Thiago Motta in fact pressed Giuntoli for the purchase of Di Gregorio from Monza, as he considers him more suitable for his playing philosophy. News that will certainly not have pleased the Polish goalkeeper who, however, would have already let the Bianconeri know that you are willing to accept a transfer and leave the Old Lady.

Also because it seems that a call has arrived for him by his teammate Cristiano Ronaldo, that he would ask him to join him at Al-Nasr. The player gave his consent to the transfer and the agreement between the two clubs would now be very close. .

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