Italy 24 Press News

From Toulon the first details on the arrival of Gianmarco Lucchesi

The Azzurro hooker ready to land in the Top 14 at the court of Sergio Parisse and Andrea Masi

From Toulon the first details on the arrival of Gianmarco Lucchesi – ph. Sebastiano Pessina

Gianmarco Lucchesi’s farewell from Benetton Rugby at the end of the current season has already been official for a few days; and for some time now it hasn’t even been a big secret what his next destination should be: Toulon and therefore the French Top 14.

Read also: Benetton Rugby, Lucchesi and the other players who leave Treviso

Right from the transalpine press, to be precise from Midi Olympicthe first information is starting to leak out regarding the contract that the Azzurro hooker is preparing to sign with the Mediterranean club.

From Toulon the first details on the arrival of Gianmarco Lucchesi

According to what has been learned, the agreement between Lucchesi and Toulon has already been reached. A contract that would tie Italy’s front line to the RCT for the next two seasons, therefore at least until June 2026.

The presence of two important names in the Toulon technical staff would also have convinced the class of 2000 of the opportunity: Sergio Parisse and Andrea Masi. Furthermore, for both seasons he will be in the company of another Italian national of the same age, Paolo Garbisi, who moved to the RCT during the season.

Crossed destinies between the eldest of the Garbisi and Lucchesi brothers. At the time of the transfer of the number 10 from Montpellier to Toulon, the reverse of the hooker Christopher Tolofua also took place. This exchange has freed up a slot on the front line that the RCT would like to return to cover from next season: and Lucchesi’s name is the closest of all. © all rights reserved

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