Italy 24 Press News

from padel to beach volleyball, from orthopedic advice to avoid risks from super activities

Rome, 3 May. (Adnkronos Health) – Summer makes its appearance and the desire to do sport becomes irrepressible. But if sporting activity is a panacea at any age with beneficial effects on the body and psyche, the risk of ‘over-use’ is just around the corner. That is, when sporting activity suddenly intensifies, concentrated in the summer season and without adequate preparation, the risks of injuries to ligaments, muscles and bones can increase.

“When we talk about over use – explains Alberto Momoli, president of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SIOT) and director of Uoc Orthopedics and Traumatology at the ‘San Bortolo’ hospital in Vicenza – we are referring to repeated athletic gestures with excessive loads on the musculoskeletal structure, often caused by poor athletic preparation. In addition to trauma resulting in injuries, there are ‘overload’ pathologies characterized by repetitive microtraumas that hinder the tissue’s ability to repair itself. During physical activity the various tissues, such as muscles, tendons, bones and ligaments, can be overused and suffer excessive physiological stress”. There are many sporting activities to practice in summer, from five-a-side football to soccer, from running to beach volleyball, and more padel, tennis and golf, a true paradise for those who love outdoor sports.

“Before dedicating yourself to sporting activity during the summer season – adds Simone Ripanti, Siot secretary and Orthopedic Medical Director, Orthopedics and Traumatology Complex Operational Unit, San Giovanni Hospital, Rome – in addition to adequate physical preparation, we always recommend using suitable footwear and do not underestimate the importance of the necessary rest between days dedicated to sport to avoid the risk of muscle-tendon stress”.

“Good weather, longer days, recovery of physical form for the coming summer. The days dedicated to running are intensifying and the risks of pathologies linked to excessive mileage, sudden changes in routine, errors in movement also increase specific or participation in close competitions (for the best performing athletes) – recalls Siot – The most frequent pathologies in running: foot and knee are the structures most involved. Excessive overload of the front part of the foot with annoying pain, which can lead to metatarsalgia also to stress fractures; pain in the sole of the foot or on the heel, which can quickly become chronic, linked to an inflammation of the plantar fascia (plantar fasciitis); knee pain due to an overload of the patellofemoral joint or an inflammation of the external part of the knee (inflammation of the iliotibial band)”.

The European football championships are arriving, the ball is at your feet. “It is the sport most loved by Italians and football or soccer matches and tournaments become an unmissable event to cheer up summer evenings. But, also thanks to the synthetic pitches, technical shoes that are not always suitable and achieving intense sporting performance without being well trained can be risky – underline the orthopedists – The most frequent pathologies in five-a-side football: inflammation of the tendon structures of the knee (tendinopathy of the patellar tendon and of the goosefoot), of the ankle (tendinitis of the Achilles tendon), as well as overloads of the pelvis which can cause groin pain, with pain in the pubic area, groin or inner thigh.

For purists, they are sports in stark contrast, but with similar overload pathologies: too many games of padel or tennis and inflammation could be just around the corner. “The most frequent pathologies in tennis and padel: pain in the elbow due to epicondylitis and in the shoulder due to an inflammatory pathology of the cuff tendons. But also the spine, without adequate training, can suffer overloads which manifest themselves with pain that limits the sporting activity”, the specialists highlight.

The days dedicated to golf are also intensifying. Even for this sport, suddenly increased activity without being well trained can cause injuries and traumas. “The most frequent pathologies in golf: low back pain, caused by repeated stress from a twisting of the spine during the swing; tendinopathies of the elbow with continuous stress on the insertion of the forearm tendons on the bone – they warn – Epitrochleitis ( also known as ‘golfer’s elbow’) is the most common elbow pathology, responsible for pain and can seriously limit athletic performance. And then again, shoulder pain in golfers is related to an overload of the tendons called rotator cuffs ; also in this case, repeated movements can cause acute inflammation, degeneration, bursitis, micro-lesions up to complete lesions of the tendons. Wrist pain is linked to an inflammation of the tendons between the wrist and hand, particularly in the sheath surrounding the wrist tendons (tenosynovitis)”.

“The summer activity par excellence but insidious due to injuries and ‘over-use’ pathologies. The sand and the lack of adequate footwear that can absorb the loads on the joints make this sport, often practiced with poor training and physical preparation, subject to various pathologies. The most frequent pathologies in beach volleyball: tendonitis of the wrist, shoulder (inflammation of the rotator cuff), of the Achilles tendon, as well as excessive load on the knee joints (meniscal lesions) and ankle and, finally, trauma sprains of the fingers”, concludes Siot.

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