Italy 24 Press News

Jrs, LVM Saarland: it’s still a blue party with Montagner!

To consult:
– Order of arrival: click on “Results”
– General ranking: click on “GC”
– General points ranking: click on “Points”
– GPM general ranking: click on “KOM”
– General team ranking: “Teams”
– General youth ranking: “Youth”

Spectacular statement for Andrea Montagner, with the Italian national team jersey, on German roads, in the fourth and final stage of the LVM Saarland Trofeo. The boy from Friuli did well to make the winning move in the last 1000 metres, resisting the group’s return and thus ending a triumphant trip for the Azzurri in style. Montagner himself, in fact, had won the first stage of the German race valid as a Nations Cup race. Then it was Alessio Magagnotti who achieved two more sprint victories, then the arms-raised finish which once again bears Montagner’s signature. The boy from Borgo Molino Vigna Fiorita, who wore the insignia of record for two days, finished in seventh position in the general classification.

“Andrea Montagner’s performance on a top-level international stage was a great performance” the Team Manager underlined Marco Bonaldo. “Winning the first and last stage of a treacherous race like this, in front of the parterre of the various national teams competing for the Nations Cup, is a truly extraordinary result for Andrea and for the whole team”.

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