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Elite Women’s Rugby A, Villorba champion of Italy: Valsugana beaten 19-12

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In Casale sul Sile, in front of 1500 spectators, coach Tommasini’s girls beat the reigning and undefeated champions: it is the second championship five years after the 2019 title

A hard-fought final, in front of the audience at the Eugenio stadium in Casale sul Sile, sold out for the occasion. A final, that of the 2023/24 Serie A Elite Women, which crowns Villorba with the second championship in its history. The yellow and blue team defeated Valsugana Rugby Padova with a result of 12-19. The start was immediate for the “Ricce”, who scored a goal after 55 seconds with Alyssa D’Incà (a goal converted by Beatrice Capomaggi). 7 minutes pass and in the eighth minute D’Incà scores the try which, after Capomaggi’s conversion, puts Villorba ahead by 14 points. At the end of the first half a try to Ostuni Minuzzi was disallowed, but Valsugana scored in the closing stages with Cerato. Partial score of 5-14. The second half was hard fought: every ball was fought for, but the result remained unchanged until the 69th minute, when Muzzo controlled the match. In the final, Margotti’s try, converted by Bitonci, gives Valsugana the strength to attempt a comeback. The comeback does not materialize: in the end Villorba is Italian champion, with Alyssa d’Incà, MVP of the season, who also wins the Rebecca Braglia Trophy, intended for the MVP of the match.

Markers pt 1′ m. D’Incà tr. Capomaggi (0-7); 8′ m. D’Incà tr. Capomaggi (0-14); 30′ m. Cerato (5-14) st 29′ m. Muzzo (5-19); 40’st. m. Margotti tr. Bitonci (12-19)

Valsugana Rugby Padova: Ostuni Minuzzi; Vitadello (32’st. Bitonci), Aggio, Folli, Zampieri (19’st. Rasi); Stevanin (34’st. Zeni; 37’st. Margotti), Stefan (Cap); Giordano, Veronese, Tonellotto (1st st. Costantini); Della Sala, Duke; Fortuna (1st. Gai), Cerato (1st. Vecchini), Jeni (12th. Benini). all. Nicola Bezzati

Arredissima Villorba Rugby: Capomaggi; Muzzo, D’Incà, Busato, Cipolla; Cavina, Barattin (Cap); Bragante (40’st. Casagrande), Copat (40’st. Gazzi), Triolo (19’st. Puppin); Pin, Frangipani; Simeon (19’st. Zanette), Gurioli, Stecca (19’st Crivellaro). Available: Nascimben, Brugnerotto, Busana all. Ilario Tommasini

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