Nespoli: an ambitious young man at MBH Bank-Colpack

Nespoli: an ambitious young man at MBH Bank-Colpack
Nespoli: an ambitious young man at MBH Bank-Colpack

Behind Pavel Novak and Florian Kajamini, at the court of MBH Bank-Colpack-Ballan-Csb, the talent of Lorenzo Nespoli is growing. Athlete from Brianza, from Giussano, born in 2004, who in his second year as U23 won the GPM jersey at the Giro Next Gen (in the opening photo NB Srl). He did it at the last stage, the one in Forlimpopoli, which crowned the talent of Widar.

«The idea of ​​looking at the GPM classification was born in the Fosse stage – says Nespoli himself – I found myself in the breakaway and gained many points. But I was missing one to get the blue jersey, so in the last stage I went on the run to conquer this important personal goal. The team helped me a lot and for that I thank them again.”

Lorenzo Nespoli won the blue jersey in the GPM classification at the Giro Next Gen (photo NB Srl)
Lorenzo Nespoli won the blue jersey in the GPM classification at the Giro Next Gen (photo NB Srl)

Contro i “big”

The first experience at the Giro Next Gen allowed Nespoli to compete against the strongest athletes in the under-23 scene. He came out with some good answers but also with the certainty that there is still a lot of work to be done.

«I came out tired – he admits – so much so that in these weeks I rested a bit. As an experience, I consider the Giro Next Gen to be positive.. We were really strong for all eight stages, I helped Kajamini and Novak. I have to say it felt like I was racing with the pros, which is what I did at Coppi e Bartali and the Tour of Hungary. In fact, in my opinion, at the Giro Next Gen we went faster uphill than at the Coppi e Bartali. During the pink race we all did incredible numbers, the average watts every day were very high».

A particular physique for the Brianza native: tall, slender but also extremely light (photo NB Srl)
A particular physique for the Brianza native: tall, slender but also extremely light (photo NB Srl)
This is your second year at Colpack, how did you find it?

I am doing well. In 2023 I had some physical problems, but they were easily solved. This year the preparation was done differentlytaking care of race by race, with pre-established goals. I have grown a lot, but there is still a lot to do.

How are things going with the staff?

I get along very well with the trainers, Antonio Fusi and Dario Giovine. But also with Gianluca Valoti and Antonio Bevilacqua the relationship is very beautiful, sincere and positiveWe are all very united, an important factor, because when we are in retreat or at the races everything passes more easily.

Who follows you, Fusi or Giovine?

Both. I live near Fusi and when I’m at home he often follows me. Giovine, on the other hand, makes the tables for me and it is with him that I compare myself in retreat. Compared to 2023, we did a good job, preparing the events well. For example, for the Giro Next Gen we spent three weeks in Sestriere.

Now comes the Giro della Valle d’Aosta…

It’s going to be a nice date. In this case too our strikers will be Kajamini and Novak, but I will also be able to have my say. I hope to train as best as I can in these weeks, but the climb will put everyone in their place. I think I can do well in Valle d’Aosta, it will be an important race for me.

You have a particular physique, you are very tall: 185 centimeters, but also light, just 65 kilograms.

A characteristic that has always accompanied me, ever since I started riding a bike as a kid. Now I think I’m a climber-passenger. Compared to pure climbers, I pay something uphill, but on the flat I have a better pace, which also helps me in the time trial. Even as a junior, I didn’t win much, but I was always placed and two of the four victories I got were two hill climbs.

What are you missing to take the final step?

Uphill I think I’m not far from being competitive, but in general there’s a lot to do. On the flat I’m fast and I can handle high paces better than lighter riders. During the eight days at the Giro Next Gen I was also feeling good in the final stagesthis is a good sign.

A group with which he manages to work well and in symbiosis, both among his teammates and with the staff (photo NB Srl)
A group with which he manages to work well and in symbiosis, both among his teammates and with the staff (photo NB Srl)
So you think you can become a stage racer?

It depends on what you decide with the team. I realized at Coppi e Bartali, where I was in a small group for two stages, that the days after I felt really good. So the objectives can be differentperhaps saving energy and then focusing everything on one stage. Or distribute forces to be competitive in other rankingsas done at the Giro Next Gen. Maybe I could even try to test myself in a stage race. of minor importance to see if I can cure the general.

Maybe next year different windows will open…

2025 will be important. I think that racing with the pros is more suited to my characteristics. I prefer to have high rhythms, with less sprints, consistency is my strong point.

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