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Aà Cycling, Emma Valeri is Italian champion

Aà Cycling, Emma Valeri is Italian champion
Aà Cycling, Emma Valeri is Italian champion

OVADA – The participation of truly remarkable Uà Cycling Team at the recent national meeting in Tarvisio. The company that created the youth cycling school a few years ago of the city he cuddles in fact Emma Valeri, ten years old, who won the national title in the Giovanissimi G4 category, confirming the laurel already achieved last year. Great satisfaction for the company led by Enrico Ravera, in the role of president and sports director, and by Giorgio Pastorino and Monica Baretto. The team stood out with the results of most of the registered athletes.

Aà Cycling works not only with young people but also with senior activities and in particular in the organization of the Randonnèe staged in the city every September with the participation of athletes arriving from many locations in Italy.

Team results

Uà Cycling was born with the specific intent of adding to the competitive sphere also the passion for sport and the valorization of aspects related to physical activity. It is worth remembering, starting from the youngest, the ninth place of Simone Brun in the G2 category on the road, twelfth Paniz Corrado in the G4 category on the road, Claire Rolland, twenty-seventh category G4 on the road and Gabriele Lantero tenth place in G6. In MTB eighth Giacomo Presenti in G3, seventh Nicolò Ottria in G5. In ability third place for Claire Rolland and seventh Emma Valeri. Edoardo Giacobbe, Pietro Oltolini, Diego Chiavetta also competed and contributed to conquering the twenty-first national place.

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