Gravina and the early vote in the Football Federation. And there is the Abete card

political skills

The last few years, in addition to the difficulties of the National team between sporting results and management (see the farewell of the former coach Mancini), have also been full of controversy, j’accuse, tit for tat, ultimatums, attempts at reform that have often led to confrontation-clash with the components and individual representatives. Those who know Gravina’s political skills invite us to leave open any future possibility and do not exclude that this (supposed) declaration of intent could be a strategy to buy time and lower the guns. Let the storm pass, get the National team back on the field, hope for some good results, fix some worn-out relationships and then re-present your profile for a new cycle. What is certain is that if, as has been leaked, the top brass of sport and the government representative were informed, backtracking would be much more difficult. But politics, including sports politics, is often the stage for everything and the opposite of everything, including sensational second thoughts and leopard-like choices in which everything changes so that nothing changes. If, however, Gravina were to confirm his intentions, he would have to be given credit for a gesture of great responsibility and professionalism.

verification of powers

In any case, it won’t be long before the cards are finally revealed, since on November 4th Gravina himself called the elective Assembly of the Football Federation at the Hilton Rome Airport Hotel in Fiumicino. On the agenda are the verification of powers, the election of the president of the assembly, the election of the federal councilors of the components, the election of the federal president, the election of the president of the Board of Auditors. A choice, this one to hurry up the times that has also opened up new scenarios and suppositions for lovers of the backstage, of political strategies and of backroom deals. Four months in fact are too few to find a strong and disruptive candidate, an expression of a Serie A often in perpetual internal disagreement.

the weight of fir

And in any case, anyone who wants to run must deal with Giancarlo Abete, president of the Lega Nazionale Dilettanti, strong with his 34% as weight in the vote. And what if, given the limited time, Abete were the candidate who everyone agrees on? Maybe even Gravina who, in the name of continuity, could actually step aside but remain firmly as UEFA vice-president in view of the organization of the 2032 European Championships.

new setup

Abete, a historic manager, would certainly not be a new face, but a balanced candidate, at a time when there would be a need to turn the page in a clear way. But there are no strong names on the horizon. We’ll see… Four months then to have a new structure: with or without the current president. And four months that will also be very important for Luciano Spalletti, whose position is not currently in question, but is also obviously linked to whoever chose him and wanted him after Mancini. If in the coming months he is able to get a credible national team back on its feet, building the foundations for qualification for the next World Cup, then whoever the new FIGC president will be, he will still focus on the current coach who only eleven months ago was welcomed, understandably, as the savior of the country. But if the confusion seen at the European Championship were to persist and the first results were to be lacking, then the election of a new president, especially if it were a break, could also bring with it a change in the technical leadership of the national team.

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