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FIGC, Gravina brings forward the elections to November: the date is there

FIGC, Gravina brings forward the elections to November: the date is there
FIGC, Gravina brings forward the elections to November: the date is there

The president of the FIGC, Gabriele Gravinais about to convene the elective assembly at the end of the Olympic four-year period: the date will be set for early November, presumably the 4th, therefore a few months earlier than the March period initially hypothesized. A move that could be interpreted as a search for greater stability within the system, after the fibrillations resulting from the elimination of the Azzurri from the European Championship.

Gravina, hours of reflection

Gravina has not yet announced his re-nomination, these are hours of great reflection for him and for the federal governance which feels under attack. “No one can govern us from outside” said the FIGC president yesterday, who at the moment still has the numbers in the federal council to continue his work. The team of Shoulder pads will return to the field on September 6th for the first match of Nations League against FranceThe qualifying rounds of the World Cup 2026 instead they will be drawn in December, therefore after the elections have already taken place.

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