Ancma is concerned about the delay in the construction of cycle paths – News

Ancma is concerned about the delay in the construction of cycle paths – News
Ancma is concerned about the delay in the construction of cycle paths – News

We learn with great concern of these delays. The cycle industry has been asking for years for a concrete transition from what has been a logic of incentives for purchase to a more complete one of incentives for use, which cannot vanish in the face of inefficiencies and fragmentation. Developing a safe and attractive cycle infrastructure is crucial for our sector, it is crucial for urban mobility and it is crucial for cycle tourism, an area in which our country demonstrates a great, still unexpressed vocation, which can offer significant opportunities for growth and of well-being for the territories involved”.

This is what Mariano Roman declared today, on behalf of Confindustria ANCMA (National Association of Cycle and Motorcycle Accessories), commenting on the contents of the rReport from the Court of Auditors on the progress of the 10 national cycle routes (including the Florence-Verona Sun line, the Venice-Turin line, the Apulian Aqueduct line and the Grande Raccordo Anulare for bicycles in Rome) and for the creation of as many archaeological-cultural itineraries at low speed, with the ownership of the Ministries of Infrastructure and Transport, Culture and Tourism.

Also in light of the contraction that the domestic market has recorded in the last year – Roman remarked – it is essential not to miss this important development opportunity”.

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