Volleyball, Savino Del Bene restarts with French coach Stéphane Antiga


After four years with Massimo Barbolini, a new coach arrives on the Scandicci bench who will lead the team in the Serie A1 women’s volleyball championship and in the Champions League

A new cycle opens for Savino Del Bene Volley, the women’s volleyball team from Scandicci that plays in the A1 series championship. After four years with coach Massimo Barbolini and the last season which ended in second place with the defeat in the playoffs against the Panthers of Conegliano, the return to the Italian Cup and the Champions League, Savino Del Bene presented its new coach, he is the Frenchman Stéphane Antiga.

Antiga, a former professional volleyball player and now a successful coach, boasts a prestigious CV in the world of international volleyball. After a career as a spiker, culminating in the victory of numerous national and international titles, Antiga embarked on a career as a coach, first in the men’s field and then in the women’s field, leading high-level teams and achieving important results, including the 2014 World Cup won with Poland. Now the adventure begins with Scandicci who will be involved in the Italian women’s volleyball championship, one of the toughest in the world together with the Turkish one, and in the Champions League.

Scandicci’s sextet was essentially confirmed, with Maja at setter, Ekaterina Antropova as opposite, Carol and Nwakalor at center, Herbots in attack and Parrocchiale in defense. The news concerns who will replace the Chinese Zhu Thing who moved to Conegliano, among the signings of the summer market there is the young Russian spiker Anna Kotikova. The opponents to beat remain the same: the reigning Italian champions from Conegliano, but also Paola Egonu’s Milan and Novara who have strengthened themselves for next season.

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