Italy 24 Press News

Florence, 5-year-old girl missing: research in progress

In Florence, Kata, a 5-year-old girl, is searched tirelessly. The little girl, of Peruvian origin, disappeared around 1pm on Saturday. Her parents filed a complaint with the police. She was wearing a white shirt and purple pants. From what has been learned, the girl would have disappeared while she was playing with other children in the courtyard of the building where she lives, the former Astor hotel which is occupied by some families.

Research with dogs

The Carabinieri and Fire Brigade participate in the searches. The canine units of the Arma have also arrived and checks with the dogs have taken place in the building located on the corner of via Maragliano and via Boccherini in Florence where Kata, a diminutive of Kataleya, lives. The dog, left free, then headed towards via Monterverdi and entered another building, not far away, where the military also entered. The search continued throughout the night. It remains to be understood, even from an in-depth examination of the images captured by the cameras in the area, whether the little girl has moved away from the building. Throughout the night the mother of the child, who at the time of her disappearance was not in her home because she was busy at work, followed the research, standing in the street or at the door of the building together with other compatriots.


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