Italy 24 Press News

How to get a discount on your bill with the Gradual Protection Service

The date is upon us: from Monday 1 July the protected electricity market will cease to exist. In other words, prices and contractual conditions for the supply of electricity will no longer be established by the independent Arera authority, which will hand over its control to that of the invisible hand of the free market in April 2027. From now until then, for all those who are under 75 years old and are in the protected market, the transitional rules of the Gradual Protection Service will apply; for those over 75 years old, little will change. Overall, there are approximately 7.5 million people affected by the transition. Not to mention that even consumers who are already on the free market can, until June 30th, re-enter the protected market and then benefit from the Gradual Protection Service (TSG) and thus obtain a discount of 113 euros per year. Let’s see in detail how to do it, together with other questions and answers to face the transition with peace of mind. To fully understand the mechanisms and further details, we refer you to our guide and handbook for recognizing and avoiding scams.

What does the transition to the free market mean?

The free market is more influenced by the trend of prices, which can rise or fall based on the events that concern them. Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, users’ bills in the free market have tended to be more expensive than those in the protected market.

Who will remain in the protected market?

Vulnerable users, that is:

  • Those over 75;
  • Those in disadvantaged economic conditions, such as those receiving energy bonuses.
  • People with disabilities.
  • Who has a user in an emergency housing facility established following calamitous events.
  • Those in health conditions that require the use of equipment that requires electricity.
  • Anyone who has a user account on a non-interconnected smaller island.

What is the Gradual Protection Service for?

What is the STG for? It guarantees a discount of 113 euros per year to all domestic users who are part of the protected market on June 30. There is one for domestic users and one for “other uses”. Each year the discount will be adjusted based on the number of customers.

I am in the protected market, what do I have to do to enter the STG and get the discount?

Nothing. I returned automatically from Monday 1 July. There will be no interruptions in supply or additional costs and no signatures are required.

I am in the free market and I want to enter the protected market to then enjoy the STG, what should I do?

For 85% of the national territory, the manager is Enel. A specific form must be filled out. To be sure which operator you should contact – another very present one is A2A – you can refer to this Arera page. The suppliers operate on a territorial basis and if they change the user will be notified personally. Here is the map with all the suppliers.

How is the price of energy calculated in the TSG?

The price has a variable and a fixed part. The first mainly includes spending on raw materials which corresponds to the average monthly values ​​of the single national price (Pun); the second includes distribution, dispatching, tax and general charges.

In copertina: FREEPIK / jplenio1

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